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Found 7 results

  1. Hello, I am relatively new to GA with 110 hours. I am pre-solo (waiting on my medical) and am biding my time flying with my instructor by starting IFR training. After I get my medical (and presumably my PPL) I will be looking to buy a plane. The M20M Bravo has always been on the top of my list, but I get lots of suggestions from various people I talk to and I’m considering alternatives. (Except a Bonanza. I don’t get the appeal.) One thing I keep hearing from people is that retractable gear maintenance is a money pit. Of course all the other aircraft I would consider are retractable except a Cirrus. Does anyone have any anecdotal information about what annuals tend to run on Bravos in 2024? As I understand it Mooney gear tend to be simpler in design and cheaper to maintain (and more reliable). Beyond annuals, what gear maintenance costs are there? What other general maintenance costs should I consider? For those who are curious, for my “forever” plane I’m also researching the Cessna T210N, Cessna 310R, and Cirrus SR22 Turbo. I may also buy a Grumman Tiger or Cherokee 180 to build time and move on to something complex later. The features of rhe Cirrus check a lot of boxes but it’s expensive to buy. I’m trying to do the math to see if the insurance and maintenance savings of the Cirrus justify the added cost. There’s also the emotional factor that I just don’t really like the Cirrus and like Mooneys better - which is why I’m posting here and not the Cirrus forum haha
  2. Hello everyone. My name is Darby and I have a problem. Oh wait that isn't how intros work in this group? I'm a long time lurker of the mooneyspace.com forum and have recently been going through some major life changes that makes me want to give a little back to the community and push down the path of my own General Aviation adventure. My user name is "40-0 Flight" because that best sums it all up. I just turned 40 this month, have zero flight time, zero money, zero youth left, and only months from zero kids in the house... (Okay not really completely out of youth but man as I crest this hill the back side is looking steep! ) So now the real fun begins! While my current aspirations, and intentions are grand, my first little project is simple. I have built a mildly complex spread sheet with one purpose in mind. To give a real, true, and honest answer to the age old question. How much $$$ will this lovely addiction cost? The technical side of it is completely in my grasp..... The math I can even manage pretty good. What I'm missing is experience. I have casually researched and written things down for years, but want some real world experience to help flush out this little project with a strong dose of reality. Below I have included a live link and a screen shot of the spread sheet. I have 3 questions. 1. What are some other types of expenses you can think of that would fall into one of the 5 defined categories? ( 1 Time Cost, Maintenance Reserve, Annual Costs, Monthly costs, Hrly Costs) 2. What number does YOUR experience suggest you put to any of these items? (To protect the innocent or married, this question is OPTIONAL) 3. Did filling out the sheet with Your numbers give results You expected? I understand many of these numbers vary and there is no perfect answer to most these costs... BUT my goal for this tool is to make it easier for current or potential owner to play with those numbers based on THEIR belief, and see what that calculates out to in the end. I appreciate anyone and everyone's feedback, and look forward to sharing my future plans as well as making this tool open to the public. P.S. I picked MooneySpace.com for this, because this has always seemed to be my favorite location for info.. and my plane of choice would be a M20K 252. Link to Google Docs Spreadsheet
  3. Hey all, I am looking at purchasing my first Retract, Variable Pitch prop airplane and I am looking for feedback in regards to operating cost... I live in Canada and will do a lot of Mountain Flying (Rocky Mountains) and was wondering what the true, average operating cost is for a Mooney or Similar. I've already got my insurance quote which came in at just under CAN$1700/year. Not bad considering all my 300Hr TT is in a Cessna 172..., The quote is subject to 10hr of dual instructions... I am curious on additional cost... Annual, Engine Reserve, 100hr inspections, etc... Has anyone experience in operating one out of a grass strip? Mountain Flying? I am interested in some current data, not something from 5, 10 or more years ago... Thanks in advance. Andreas
  4. Has anyone else noticed how little information is available about the real cost of major maintenance? As I'm winding up my firewall-forward project, I'm considering releasing a line-by-line cost breakdown. Does anyone have any thoughts about why that might not be a good idea? If any non-flying spouses see this post, just tell them I got ripped off and you paid a lot less.. Or maybe we could play 'The Price Is Right' and let everyone guess. Here's an {almost} complete list of work performed: TSIO-520-NB Overhaul & Test Run by Certified Engines http://www.certifiedengines.com/ Magnetos & harness Starter Fuel injection system Oil cooler Intercoolers Turbocharger, controller, PRV, & waste gate Camshaft Crankshaft Prop overhaul by Palm Beach Propeller http://www.pbapi.com/ Prop governor overhaul prop blades overhaul new hub Millennium cylinders (new) Gami nozzles (new) Tempest fine wire spark plugs (new) Hoses (all new) Exhaust (overhaul by Rocket Engineering, replaced five sections, re-welded, polished) Engine Mount (overhaul by Rocket Engineering, replaced two tubes, re-welded, powder coated) Vibration mounts We definitely got in to the "while the engine is off, we might as well..." mode of thinking. That's what happens when you have access to a maintenance hanger and your -IA lets you do a lot of the grunt work. I've learned more about how everything works in the past three months than I did in the past twenty-five years of GA flying.
  5. Rebuilt IO360 is on its way. Prop shop called & said one blade of the McCauley prop is not serviceable. I ordered a new Hartzell scimitar 2 blade. About $7,500 more than I was planning on.
  6. Contemplating painting my 1978 M20J (original paint). Looking for some recent experience and results. Please post with who you used, cost, results, pics, recommendations, contact info, location, or any other pertinent info, etc. Thanks!
  7. I thought it was very simple. Rocket is the fastest plane out there under $200K, therefore I wanted a Rocket. However, after reading some Bravo posts and talking to some self-proclaimed Mooney experts, I'm also considering the Bravo. The typical mission is 1-2 persons, little baggage, 400-1200nm flights, get there as fast as possible burning 20 gph or less, and not be afraid of ice in the winter. Here's how this judge's scoresheet looks so far: 1. Rocket seems to be 5-15 knots faster at typical cruise altitudes, and can be honestly said to cruise faster than 200 knots at 12,000 and above. 3 points to Rocket 2. Bravo has a longer cabin. 1 point to Bravo 3. Bravo has FIKI, Rocket only has non-FIKI TKS. 1 point to Bravo 4. Bravo is factory (so hopefully good support), Rocket is after-market. 1 point to Bravo 5. Bravo has newer airframes and often nicer panels. 1 point to Bravo 5. Bravo has 2000-hr TBO ($50K overhaul), Rocket has 1600-hr TBO ($42K overhaul). Tossup 6. Useful loads all seem to hover between 825 and 1000 lb. Tossup 7. Reliability and dispatchability (is that a word?). Tossup This gives an ever-so-slight edge to the Bravo, but I'm not sure I agree with my own scoring system. I'd like to hear from some of you who have flown both aircraft and can offer some additional deciding factors, or tell me I'm way off regarding my analysis so far.
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