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Everything posted by tsuttles

  1. I am assuming it still works well and will still light?
  2. You are correct. 39D will stream to iPad and this particular one is also hardwired to my 696. Works great with great information it is just that my new gig uses foreflight so I would like to stay consistent across the platforms.
  3. Yeah and a GDL 39 3d without battery is 849.00 at sportys. So you can put the 50.00 towards a battery. Still a good discount to a new one.
  4. Looking to sell like new GDL 39 3d as I want to return to Foreflight because that is the system my corporate flying gig uses. It is bluetooth and the 3d version so you have all that jazz, works great. The only one I have seen on ebay is up for 750.00 with battery but since mine does not have a battery I will go 700.00 firm giving you the 50.00 to buy a battery if you want one.
  5. Everyone thanks for looking. Everyone flies differently and has different "have to" items. In a failure mine is not the 39 it is a backup handheld radio but I feel like communication is more important then weather and 1/2 traffic because if I get ATC they provide that information and much more. I have had an in flight electrical failure so I would say the stats are a little lower than 100% as mentioned by LANCECASPER. I respect everyones opinions and would love to see the site remain open to conversation and less into the sarcasm but I guess when behind a screen it is easier. Again thanks for looking and if you are not interested it is ok but no need for the sarcasm it only diminishes your integrity as a pilots.
  6. BigTex I looked at my receipt and you are right I did not pay tax, thought I did, so I would go to 800.00 even still free shipping (which I know you can get also) but I am not sporty's and it will cost me 20.00 out of pocket at least with insurance. I can show the invoice of when I bought it to verify age of the unit and I will personally guarantee that will function 100% when you receive it. If you want to save 10.00 on ebay and know nothing about the unit that is ok and thanks for looking. I am a mooniac and I will stand behind what I sell you. That is the best I can do.
  7. It has bluetooth and is wired, no battery but how many people actually run it off of the battery. I fly longer cross countries so it is hooked to power and 696. Thanks for looking.
  8. Well if you think about you are getting a 60.00 discount without the tax and the unit is pretty much brand new. Sportys will only return up to 30 days is the only reason I don't send it back. What kinda price were you hoping to spend?
  9. Bought 3 months ago when I was going to upgrade to GDL 88 but that process got put on hold and now looking to sell. I want to go back to foreflight. Sporty's is 849.00 plus tax, I am selling for 849.00 flat and free shipping. Still have box and all cables.
  10. Gary I sold a Stratus 1 on here for 350. about 2 months ago and it went quick. Just letting you know my experience.
  11. Looks right to me but you may want to take a look at your EGT and CHT on C 3 when you are doing your run-up as the spark plug is disconnected I know you know that I was just making a joke.....
  12. Thanks guys that clears it up. I will be ordering today
  13. Hey guys. Do you know how to find out the exact part number for the landing light to order from Whelen for my M20C? I want to jump on the LED boat but not sure which one to buy. Any experienced LED guys out there?
  14. Don Berry at Total Flight Solutions KLHZ. Their are 7 Mooneys on the field that he maintains and others fly into see him.
  15. Way to go!! Nice Job!!
  16. Thanks RB, I think I will stick with the 350.00 as I am getting some interest in the unit and I have seen the unit on ebay for 400+. I agree I won't fly without weather in the airplane.
  17. I changed over to Garmin Pilot App with the GDL 39 getting ready for my GDL 88 install so I am selling my first generation stratus. Sporty's has the unit for 499. brand new. Mine is used but cared for and in a hanger when not flying. I am not sure how much to ask for the unit and what would be fair to both Mooney parties. I am going to start at 350.00 but will listen to offers. It has been updated with any new updates that come out and it does pick up traffic and weather is awesome. I liked it so much I refused to take it out of the airplane until my GDL 39 came in to replace it.
  18. Does anyone have an Altitude Hold setup from Brittain that is collecting dust in the back of their hanger. I have the accuflight and accutrak system installed and now just need the altitude portion.
  19. RIP Brian. Sorry for the families loss. He will get to Heaven fast since us Mooney guys love to fly fast and may his journey be CAVU to the gates.
  20. I probably got your original one mine seems to drift 10degrees in 10mins on a flight and then the next flight maybe 5 degrees every 10 mins. That still seems excessive to me. It makes using the heading bug almost a joke. It has been rebuilt twice now.
  21. How much precession in the DG do you feel is normal? Over time and Degrees.
  22. Sierra - N73SD
  23. Thanks guys for all the information. I went up today and got more and more frustrated until I tried the L and R manual turn (cloud) knob on the accutrak and there was the problem. The servo control valve was wired backwards. After landing and a phone call to my AP I switch the red and green wires leading to the servo control valve. On the return trip home it flew the magenta line like a dream. All problems fixed and the unit is working flawless. I can see the problem, the airplane tracking right of course so the servo control opens the left when in fact it was opening the right taking me more off course and increasing the wrong signal. The accuflite system is nice for heading assignments for sure I feel like I have a more capable airplane already. Not sure I would want to be in Hard IFR yet without alt hold but this would be a great tool on those easier IFR days and single pilot. As of right now glad I saved the 20,000.00 and went with the Brittain.... Thanks again....
  24. I have it running off my 430W as the NAV1 and SL30 as NAV2. I will look through the manuals for adjusting gain.
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