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  1. 1965 M20E Electric Fuel Pump when switched to 'ON' within about 7 seconds the fuel pressure goes to zero and engine will die. Any ideas?
  2. It looks like the link to their home page maybe down.... try this



  3. Hey Paul, I've done Mexico a few times.... I can help you out with info if you like.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. gsxrpilot


      Good info!  Thanks.  I'll get this all together and let you know as other questions come up.


    3. Carlton


      Couple more things.... make sure that the names on all documents match! Also, as long as long as you have the receipt for the CBP Sticker in position when you clear inbound you are good.

    4. gsxrpilot
  4. Can you tell us what airport performed the work?
  5. My Mooney is currently Blue with Gold and to the best I can tell the current paint was done in 1972 (or so) as a result of running through a fence on landing. I am not seeing any other colors on the aircraft. The below photo with the three blade prop is my aircraft the other photo I found online and would be pretty sure is what mine aircraft would have looked like as original. .
  6. I have a 1965 M20 E (N5614Q, SN 663) and I am wanting to locate the original interior and exterior color styles and options for that year. Can someone help me out?
  7. I too am interested in finding out my original paint scheme and colors (1965 s/n 663). I emailed Joe Schmerber at the address above, but it bounced back as undelivered. Does anyone have a good contact info for?
  8. I am looking for a couple of items for my M20E Do you happen to have your old ADF (top of cabin) antenna and the mount that attaches to the fuselage above the cock pit? Also, do you hapen to recall what marker beacon receiver and an audio panel was installed in your A/C? Do you still have that laying around? Carlton
  9. I have a working ADF in my 66' M20E, but the antenna mount on top of the fuselage has cracked. Anyone have a serviceable used one lying around? Thank you.
  10. I have just purchased a 1966 M20E Super 21 and I am looking for a Mooney mechanic for my fist annul which is due by the end of May. I am in Southern Oregon. Any recommendations?
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