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About RobertE

  • Birthday 07/28/1951

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    St. Helena, CA
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  1. Sorry. No copilot brakes (but I wish I did!)
  2. I don’t know if he bled both at the same time.
  3. I don’t know
  4. I just had my flexible brake hoses and brake shoes replaced, as well as the master cylinders overhauled and now I’ve got way too much travel in both brake pedals. I’m confident the system has been bled of all air so I don’t think that’s the problem. My mechanic says it’s due to old, worn calipers and that, as the pads wear in, the problem will disappear. The overhaul of the master cylinders was an attempt to fix the problem. Before maintenance all was well. Anyone have an opinion on this? Thanks.
  5. I’ve got a J model in Angwin. Just send me a message if you’re interested in a test flight. I’m retired and available most days.
  6. OK. When next in the airplane I’ll check. FF works differently for me in the cockpit than on the ground. The “traffic” layer option only shows up in the cockpit (I’m guessing because it needs to be receiving the Bluetooth signal via connext from the gtx345?). Sitting here on the ground getting WiFi there is no choice of activating “traffic”. In the aircraft as soon as my avionics is turned on traffic is activated. In the past, whenever traffic is activated I got all the FIS-B data (metars, pireps and the like) whose recent disappearance was the basis of my question.
  7. To be clear, I’m not getting the typical flag symbols on the map by airports with reporting capability that, when you touch those airports, the weather shows up. I am getting all traffic so it does seem that the gtx345 is communicating with my iPad. Someone suggested I check the FF overlay settings to confirm I’m getting ads-b data but I see no such choice in the overlay section. Maybe I’m missing something, of course. Thanks for the help everyone.
  8. I’ve got a Garmin GTX 345 that sends data via connext (Garmin’s Bluetooth signal) to my iPad that is running ForeFlight. I used to get what I think is FIS-B data displayed with ForeFlight (NEXRAD, traffic, metars, ...) but now I seem only to get traffic. Anyone know what might have happened? Thanks.
  9. Folks, I’m upgrading to a turbocharged airplane soon and wonder about how that plays with Basic Med. I don’t intend to willingly violate the 18K limitation but wonder how reluctant I should be to do so. Specifically, if the tops are, say, 19K should I just fly through those likely ice-laden tops or ask for higher? Is higher than 18K a safety-of-flight only prerogative? And if I do ask for higher should I assume that I can expect my adsb info to be tied to my license info to uncover a violation? Maybe it’s too soon for the FAA to have established its practices but would welcome any opinions. Basically, what would you do?
  10. You know, that’s an interesting and very thoughtful analysis. But (hey, you knew the “but” was coming!) it presumes a manufacturer needs a product line that allows people to transition from one model to the other. Yet the used market does that really well. The fact is, though, that manufacturers address just a small sliver of the market. They live or die on the 350 people (in Cirrus’ case) or 12 people (in Mooney’s or Beachcraft’s case) who decide each year they need a new vs used aircraft. And those manufacturers have learned that someone who is prepared to pay hundreds of thousands more for a new vs 95% as good used aircraft are most likely interested in the higher end of the line. The manufacturing cost doesn’t vary all that much for a bigger engine, turbocharging,.... So it’s really tough for manufacturers to build a business on anything but the top of the line. In my opinion, of course.
  11. I just dropped a Tempest fine wire and have already ordered an $87 replacement. But what’s the worst that could happen had I not replaced it?
  12. I think my photo didn’t properly display the problem. All other plugs have insulators that have a flat surface from the edge to the center electrode. This one has a concave surface (wasn’t this way when new) that has the effect of exposing more of the electrode than it should. In fact, if you looke very closely you will see the wider part of the electrode at the base of the insulator, whereas only the narrow portion should be exposed. To answer some of the questions, I’ve had no problem with the engine, all plugs are firing,.....basically zero observed problems. The only oddity is the eroded electrode.
  13. Anyone know what might have caused this erosion? Anyone else suffer this problem? The plug has 350 hours on it. All others are normal.
  14. Well, I don’t happen to have the heat problem ( yet, legal or not, my A3B6 engine is timed at 25 BTDC) but my overall suspicion is that the % of HP is a practical but flawed approach to figuring out how to avoid detonation.
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