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rocketman last won the day on October 17 2017

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  1. The best way is to print one yourself on a 3-D Printer or hire someone to do it for you. You can google that information. I do not think that the rocker switch cover would need to be an FAA approved part. I have been toying the idea about buying the Burma Labs X-1C Carbon printer but it would take a while to get up to speed to custom make parts.
  2. I have finally received a reply from Jackson Guido of Specialty Hose Aerospace who is the contact person with Eaton regarding the elusive V-Clamp. The V-clamp part number they reference is NH1009399-10 which would cost $648.77 each. The lead time is 85 weeks with a MOQ (minimum order quantity) of 50 V Clamps. The price is reasonable as well as the lead time if your not AOG. But 50 orders? How much of a demand is there for 50 V-clamps? If I can get an estimate of demand orders, I can approach them and see if we can negotiate a better MOQ. Or maybe someone else can call them who has more of an industrial aviation experience in negotiations. Although I don't need it now, I always want to have a spare if we plan on flying our Bravo's into the future. Also makes the sale price better when you choose to sell. I believe Textron Lycoming is selling theirs for $1,600.
  3. Had a brand new all Garmin panel installed including all Txi including the G500, KI275, GTN750, GNX375, new Carbon Fiber panel, new lighting, keyless start, chargers for ipad, iphone, preserved Stormscope, and more. My question is the cabin lights which worked fine before the install now inop for the 4 cabin lights (not the baggage compartment lights). Where would I began looking for this problem. The rear baggage compartment lights still work fine
  4. Thanks - I am going to try that.
  5. We verified that the two boards had the same modules including part numbers. So we kept the two boards the unit came with. Should I go ahead and replace these with the boards from my old unit?
  6. After my recent annual on my 1982 201, the KFC-150 quit working. It seems like it had no power to it. So I went ahead and replaced the KC-192 (head) with another one that was operating when removed from another airplane. I even paid to have it bench tested before installation and everything was fine. After I installed it, the power came on fine but the seft test button on the KC-192, when depressed does absolutely nothing - the light stays lit and the unit does not go into the self test mode. After doing tons of research on this, I was pointed to the pitch servo and so I replaced that unit as well. The problem was still the same - the test light just stares at me like the unit is trying to tell me that it is too old for me to mess with. Well, I am not ready to give up on this just yet and to replaced it with a new digital Garmin unit. Any ideas of the problem? I don't think it can be in the servo's since the self test doesn't even begin checking the system.
  7. I took the plunge and completely redoing and upgrading my 1993 Bravo instrument panel with all glass Garmin panel.. I am in need of replacing the existing panel that have a lot of circular openings to a new panel better suited for glass. Does anyone know where I can get the template to make the Bravo panel (DXL file)? Or is there any existing left and right blank panels available?
  8. I am so sorry to hear of his recent medical condition. A great Engineer for Mooney, a great friend to all of us. Prayers to Ron and his family.
  9. Looking fo an engine mount repair station for a Mooney rocket.
  10. Yes - going from out to in and it's on the cold side. The engine was sagging which caused it.
  11. During a recent annual on my 1980/1992 231 Rocket I noticed the turbocharger has dent in the housing unit and will need to be repaired(?) or replaced. Anyone know who can help me with this or can sell me a turbocharger?
  12. JPI is going into the 201
  13. I have decided to upgrade my Bravo panel with full glass removing my Aspen, KAP 150 AP, JPI 930 and all the round gauges that have been in the plane since birth in 1993. In place of this I am installing the Garmin TXI with AHRS, IFD550 and the GI 275 with ADAHRS.. To do this the 10.5 inch G500 will sit in the center of the pilots panel which means that all of the holes that currently exist on the panel will either have to be patched or to replace the entire panel with a new one. The existing panel from Mooney is curved on the bottom for reasons I was never sure about. This does add some "flavor" to the panel and want this replicated. Is this something an avionics shop can readily do and duplicate it exactly like the copilot panel which I will not be replacing? What are my choices. I will be upgrading my 1982 201 panel with the instruments I am removing from the Bravo.
  14. As a 5000 hour plus pilot flying pretty much continuously since 1986 flying seems to come easy to me. However, I never take that for granted and still use abbreviated checklists, call outs mostly on landing particularly approach speeds, and gear down. Night time flying for me has not my favorite thing to do since I live in the mountains of eastern Tennessee. Last year I did want to do some night flying (solo of course) so I asked a local CFI and former 757 pilot to come fly my 201 during the evening hours. But I asked him to be the PIC in command instead of me, just to see how he does things differently from me. What an experience. It was incredible to monitor the differences on how he fly's it and myself. Even small things like slight heading changes, pitch adjustments, etc. I even asked him to speak out loud on what he is thinking about while flying the plane, how he adjusts the heading corrections necessary to fly straight. And all this while night flying and of course without the AP.. When the flight was over, I dropped him off and then flew for an hour solo that night. I recommend you trying that sometime with your flight instructor. It's amazing the little things (hopefully not major corrections) you can learn from this one flight. Every pilot can learn from others flying techniques and this is a great way to do it.
  15. I would be willing to chip in and pay for his AP then IA if he would do it. All he needs is the certificate, he can recite everything forwards and backwards, and then some.
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