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Everything posted by AndyFromCB

  1. You really miss that $15K? I mean, if you hit it the max in April then your income exceeds $300K a year. Small price to pay should you hit some hard times in your old age.
  2. If most, and I would say about 80% of Americans actually experienced the European Socialistic System, there would be brains splattered on the streets of every gated community in this country. Ignorance is a bliss... Let's see: -work 35 hours a week -enjoy 6 weeks of vacation and extra paycheck to enjoy said vacation with -free childcare -free health insurance -lower taxes than here in the US of A Basically, anyone who makes less than about $120K a year in US of A gets screwed majorly.
  3. These are your people, John. Big brains will be holding sings like that 12 years from now, except with ACA on it.
  4. Wanna bet? Next two years, the GOP congress will accomplish nothing, will actually pass very little and whatever is passes, will be vetoed. As simple as that. The bluff has been played and the SOTU speech was just a trap for GOP to walk into making them look like they do and will do nothing for the middle class.
  5. Blondes are not my type. I'd figure you'd figure it out by now. I see FOX is now doing everything possible to make GOPers forget about ACA now that they got elected on that platform. How long before you'll be on board with it needing just some minor tweaking. I say 12 months...
  6. Don't worry, Hillary will be even better. 15% lead in national polls I don' think she's an exceptionalist either, so after 16 years, we'll never get that stupid idea back. If anything good will come out this and the next administration, it will be the end of dumb policy of american exceptionalism.
  7. GDP of Yemem is that of one quarter of Apple profits. Yes, very important strategic partner for us. For target practice, maybe.
  8. you keep on playing with yourself, you're going to go blind soon...
  9. I might be an asshole, but with friends like Abdula, who needs enemies. You want to talk about a real asshole. We have no friends in the middle east. The middle easterners have no friends in the middle east. From my recollection, ISIS will sell us, or for that matter anyone else, oil. Why exactly do I care where it comes from. Oil is oil, dollar is a dollar. I love how it's free market capitalism for the poor here in US of A, but you always want to meddle in affairs of third world countries. Stupid neo-conservative policies of are making chicken-hawks coming home to roost. Fuck Bebe. The only rational player in the entire middle east is Iran. And quite frankly the only remotely free country in the entire middle east is Iran. We could have been entirely energy independent years ago and moved the fuck out there long, long time ago.
  10. Yeap, you, Daver and Scott They are running for office in Iraq. That's how you run for office in Iraq. Do you even have a remote idea of the history of region. Are you really so fucking naive? How is that democracy going? Why just not promise to cut their taxes and let their economies flourish? The cluster fuck the neo-conservatives created there will be hounding us a lot longer than ACA. Faith based foreign policy got us here in the first place. I am going to repeat myself, everything the GOP touches turns to shit, everything, every one last thing. Because you want "simple".
  11. xen·o·pho·bic zenəˈfōbik,ˌzēnəˈfōbik/ adjective having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. "the xenophobic undertones of this argument" synonyms: ultranationalistic, ultranationalist, nationalistic, nationalist, isolationist, jingoistic;
  12. Well, you did describe the GOP and yourself: uneducated, xenophobic and radicalized to hate civilized faith, based in forgiveness of sin and helping our fellow man.
  13. Love you attitude. It really shows. Give them a few sovereign nations.? Do you even have a fucking idea what sovereign means? If they were sovereign, they weren't ours to give. If they were ours to give, then ISIS are just freedom fighters exercising the equivalent of our 2nd amendment, kicking out a foreign occupier. Words have meaning...
  14. And of course, it does not bother you that a sovereign nation would have so much influence over our foreign policy. Does it. Bet you have no problems sending your tax dollars over there. Yeah, yeah, I know Isreal is needed for your second coming of the messiah and some other stupid made up shit like that. Otherwise the Christian Right wouldn't even know where to look on the map. Like I said before, ultimate marriage of the unholly warriors. FUCKING FUNDIES, on all sides, you all deserve each other. Actually, I'm willing to bet if I showed you a map with no names, you couldn't find Israeil either. They be socialists. The have universal healthcare.
  15. This has to be either greatest example of hyperbole or total and complete lack of education and knowledge of history. John, you're about to join my stupid list. My family lived thru Hitler and a few of them survived. Few thousand assholes running around does not equal a state hell bent on world domination with means to do so. Actually, you know what, as my great aunt, who had her ovaries removed in a concentration camp would tell you, GO FUCK YOURSELF. You joined it, I'm out.
  16. There is a lot of things in America approaching religious status, as in, under normal observation clearly observed to be false, yet deeply held to be true, no matter the evidence or lack there off. Like Scott and his leadership screams. Numbers came out today from pentagon, and it appears we've been waging quite a successful campaign against ISIS under the leadership of our favorite Muslim Kenyan. Apparently the problem is for many: not enough carrier landings and mission accomplished banners. If you work hard enough in American, one day you might drop dead. I highly recommend against it. Going flying, cheers;-)
  17. What success stories? Please don't bring up Bill Gates. You live in fantasy world of upward mobility…If you're born poor and stupid, you're most likely will remain poor and stupid, if you're born rich, you're almost guaranteed to be richer. As simple as that. Bill Gates would have been a millionaire without ever lifting a finger, because his father already was. And if you surgeon friend was actually a late bloomer due to dyslexia, he only has them liberal teachers and Ivy League educated psychologists to thank for for his advancement. You know, socialism...
  18. An 99% of the time, they are right. And they do have free night school for late bloomers. So 1% is an acceptable loss to me. Still much better than our incarceration rate. I'm sure he'd make a fine brick layer too…Guy who build my outdoor kitchen from brick was an attorney, well, an ex-attorney...
  19. Once again, you're proving your own stupidity with this diatribe. Surgery was supposed to be $30 some thousand, that hospital, doctors and patient, insurance company agreed to. It turned out to be $117,000 more due to no complications. Stupid is as stupid does, or doesn't in this case, as in read the article.
  20. How fucking stupid are you? This is not about government? Government was not involved in the case of $117,000. It's your insurance company being ripped off. God, why do you make so many stupid people. You pay for it. For once, think about your own self interest. Maybe you should read Atlas Shrugged. If you showed up to your mechanic and he told you the annual was going to be $1400, but then asked you to pay $20,000 few weeks later, bet you, you'd be pissed. This is exactly what happened in the above described case. Can you read? Are you sure?
  21. Have a baby with Scott. It's amazing what they can do now a days with genetics. You annoy me, not because you are wrong, but because you are dumb. As simple as that. Just like Scott, you've never had an original idea in your entire life. Yes, I am considerably smarter than you. Genetics are a bitch. Sorry.
  22. Dave, Why don't you kiss their ass some more and repeated more Fox news drivel. $650 a minute. Seriously, just STFU. $117,000 fee for a 3 hour operation. $40,000 per hour. Seriously. What is wrong with you? How about $80,000 an hour, why not? $160,000? I'm not even going to respond to you. You and Scott should have a baby together. Do you get paid to spew your bullshit? It's shit like this is why eventually you will not have health insurance at all. Your whole miserable airline pilot salary will get swallowed by your health insurance premium.
  23. Well, they are greedy. Read this: http://www.kevinmd.com/blog/2014/09/outrageous-117000-bill-assistant-surgeon.html $650 per minute, I'd say that's greedy…Doctors do it all the time, they swap with one another...
  24. What I miss the most about my dad working in France was the employee cafeteria. The food was amazing. Rule was 3 different dishes, never to be repeated once during a course of a month.
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