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Everything posted by AndyFromCB

  1. You see and this is why we are where we are and always will be. You can either have all the freedom or none at all. I am either 100% liberal or 100% liberitarian so until GOP swings to personal liberty as much as they are for economic liberty, I cannot support it...
  2. How about applying same logic to narcotics...Personal responsibility...Why the hell are you sending them to public schools, anyway. I'm serious. And the government bears major responsibly for fat americans. The entire system is setup to subsidize corporate agriculture and mono culture farms. What used to be a treat, like roast chicken on Sunday night, now we can afford to east 3 times a day. This crazy liberal spent 6 hours last night making soups and dinners for this week from scratch last night...No fast food or going out more than once a week in this household...Cows used to take 48 months to mature, now they do in 18...One chicken from a little farm, where I actually know the farmer, made 3 kinds of soup, a total of 18 portions...
  3. Not just money, Dave, not just money. More people in prison per capita than any other nation in the world. Handing out 25 year prison sentences like hot cakes. If for 3 seconds I really though Rand Paul would do what he says, he'd have my vote.
  4. Reducing China's role in their energy development. You guys still live in cold war years. New trade routes to Central Asia. Reducing pakistans influence in Afghanistan. I can keep on going. Keeping Saudi terrorism in check
  5. Once again, your typical reply when presented with facts. Officially out of this thread. Talk to you in November 2016, when you will see not a single one of your predictions come true. What's going to be your excuse then? Funny, you'd support uprising in Tehran but when your fellow citizens do the same, you call them thugs and criminals. Bet you we have a lot more people locked up here than they do in Iran.
  6. John, Enjoy, thanks for wiki leaks. Of course, the Saudis are not a big fan of Hillary and Obama. They have been calling them out on their bullshit for last 6 years. ISIS was a Saudi baby, till it grew up and got out of hands... http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/dec/05/wikileaks-cables-saudi-terrorist-funding And of course, last but not least, whenever a conservative throws known bullshit around to be accepted as truth, they add: "why do you hate America so much". I have no dislike for America, I have a dislike for certain policies. If we wanted to rid the world of terrorism, we've been sending drones to all the wrong places. Comparing Tehran to Pyongyang, makes whatever other point you're trying to make, weak and ridiculous.
  7. Show me what you know. Iran has second largest proven reserves in the world of conventional sweet crude. Saudi Arabia has Iran outspent, probably 10 to 1, when it comes to funding terrorist activities. Iran is actually a fairly open and free society, that allows women to drive, more or less dress how they want, pursue higher education and careers. John, do some research before throwing more Fox news bullshit out there. They are not North Korea. Our "ally", Saudi Arabia, has a permanent class of "slaves" who's passports have been confiscated. Does this look like North Korea to you, or a capitalistic country where everyone tries to make a buck. And an average Iranian loves Americans, same cannot be said about average wahhabist. Saudis are #1, $ for $, sponsors of terrorism and there are clear reports indicating they were behind(at the highest levels of government) the Iraqi uprising. Once again, don't give me you shit. There is not one set of clean hands down there, and more they fight between one another, the better off we are. That appears to be the Obama foreign policy and I tend to agree with it. We benefit directly when they are busy with one another, fairly evenly matched.
  8. John, You cannot claim that Iran has the Saudis surrounded and at the same time claim they are not a major regional player.
  9. Don't forget Iraq, being it's more or less an Iranian client state, thanks to some great foresight from Dick and Donald. There should be a cartoon called that. Donald says something dumb, and Dick drops to the ground and grabs his chest... Has it ever occurred to you that our entire interest in the region is oil. That's all. Nothing else. Nobody on the high levels of government here could care less about the second coming of Christ and the need for Jerusalem to be around to fulfill the great book, but once again a handy excuse to keep crazies in the check. Every Christian station in the country is always blabbing about Israel this, Israel that. Keeps Daver supporting his tax money going to the middle east. And like it or not, Iran has become a major regional player, and we will strike a deal with them, come hell or high water and there is nothing Saudis and Isrealis can do about that. You know we're doing something right for our interests in the region when both Saudis and Isrealis see eye to eye and are against us.
  10. But then where would the fun be…You're still a lot more of true believer than I am…I truly don't care, have not voted in a single election in my entire time here in US of A and equally contributed to whomever is running in my home state and my chosen self-interest PACs…I support the Democrats slightly more because I believe I'm considerably less likely to lose my head in a revolution if the great unwashed masses are at least minimally fed and educated. It's the only reason why I am against FOX. It gets good portion of the masses too agitated for my tastes and they have too many fucking guns…And ACA has been good for my insurance related software business…It just so happens that I am not a third generation wealthy American, so I have no interests in the "war" business. If I did, I'd be all for it too…I do have interests in crop insurance, hence my support for subsidies, food stamps and such…war competes with these... And now honestly tell me than if you moved an average American to France or anywhere else in Western Europe, they would not be all over themselves for the first time realizing what freedom is, for regular peeps, that is.
  11. You really think I'm that dumb…Oh John…There is an old adage, don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining. Of course that it's about "our" interests. And when I say, "our", I mean the world wide elites. It's one thing to support it and know what you are doing, which is sending young man to die for dollars, it's another, to believe we're doing it for democracy or some higher moral purposes we always try to gift wrap it with…and sell it to Scott and the like…
  12. If you already don't, then the good old US of A will let you relinquish your passport with no problems. This only affects the wealthy. Are you slowly realizing that the land of the free might not be so free after all and never has been no matter what bullshit they fed in you history classes.
  13. And yet you keep on defending the "land of the free". Are you slowly realizing that you are only free to shut the fuck, pay your taxes and support the troops while the wealthy keep on milking the budget and if you don't, you'll end up in jail...
  14. Why don't we build an airbase there. And then spend more money air-conditioning it than NASA's entire budget. That's what we did in Iraq for last however many years. Our annual A/C budget beat NASA's by a billion. http://gizmodo.com/5813257/air-conditioning-our-military-costs-more-than-nasas-entire-budget What a wise way to add to our debt.
  15. I'm sorry, Iran had a democracy. If I recall correctly, it was 1953, when US backed a coup and installed a dictator. I wonder why they might be weary of our "help". We have no claim to any moral superiority in the region. Zero, nil, nada. Actually, anywhere.
  16. You assume it wasn't all planned…Obama wants strong Iran…And Abdula didn't have a soul ;-)
  17. Neither France or Sweeden have compulsory military service. And don't get me started on Isreal, another artificially created mess, because of your heavenly real estate agent. What was wrong with Nevada?
  18. Yes, because before Obama, Bush was doing so well in Iraq to completely forget about Afganistan let the Pakistanis run the show. Spare me your bullshit, I'll spare you mine. The results were predictable in 2003 when I made that prediction. There is only one way to run Iraq. Split it up. Or install another Saddam.
  19. I'm assessing it from the point of view of cost. I am not concerned about world order. We can trade with anyone, money does not stink. When we get democracy and equality here then we can start spreading it across the world. $1 trillion a year if you add it all up, John, $1 trillion... Each and everyone of our attempts at world order ended up in a disaster. We fuck shit up.
  20. What good is a strong military if it's left guarding an empty warehouse? We can easily defend ourself with 1/10th of what we spend and let the socialist europe pick up its own tab. South Koreans aren't exactly starving either, and maybe Taiwan really just need to get owed itself and join China like HK did.
  21. You are quite possibly the densest, most obtuse individual I have ever conversed with in my entire life.
  22. Basically, conservatives to me are about Think, for once. How come you never respond to clear data where Mitt pays 13% vs your 35%. How is that for fair share. I paid 43% last year. Or is OK for Mitt to pay 1/3 of what I pay, because he is a conservative. Is it OK for Mitt to pay less than a Walmart worker because he is a conservative?
  23. So the fact that one of your fellow citizens is looking at spending the rest of his life in prison for speech doesn't bother you, does it. Well, apparently you feel that feeding our own people is too expensive, but I've never heard you once complain about the biggest item in our federal budget, being the bloated military. That's how I arrived at it.
  24. Hey, You're the one who wants to make the world a better place with your tax money by bombing brown people...Not me...Once again, spoken like a true conservative....
  25. Hey, no different than here. This fellow is looking at 25 to life for making a song...Cartoon, song, what's the difference? http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/23/entertainment/tiny-doo-rap-conspiracy-charges/index.html
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