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Everything posted by AndyFromCB

  1. I won't go, but that's because I am a high income earner. If I was making US median, then I'd be a lot better of in France...
  2. But seriously, Dave. If you could work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, get better healthcare and schooling for your kids and keep your guns, then why not? Bet you don't have an answer for me there...And live in a country with less debt...We could probably make a killing importing grills for all the American ex-pats.
  3. Awesome, I'm glad we're in agreement. But seriously, they must be doing something right if their debt is lower...
  4. Well, there is your problem...Italy will never be my shining example of anything that works...Actually, now that think about, Italy reminds me very much of US of A.
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/23/entertainment/tiny-doo-rap-conspiracy-charges/index.html Freedom
  6. They have a constitution too. Their motto is Liberty, equality, fraternity. They do, they call it polenta. And you can have guns and the bible, I'm sure. The French love hunting. They have never met an animals they found unsuitable for eating. Fourth highest firearms ownership per capita world wide.
  7. Chop 18% of that 20% from defense and I'll vote for you even if you want to chop that entire 13% from the safety net programs.
  8. I make some mean BBQ. Problem is trying to find a decent grill in Europe. I am serious, the socialists are really deprived in that department. I'd miss my outdoor kitchen too much... And I agree our debt is insane. We just disagree on how to fix it. Get rid of the military, NSA, CIA and the HS and bam and it's paid off in 10 years...We spend over a trillion a year on these things combined. Go for the Swiss model, which is what I think the founders have intended... \
  9. Hey, Nobody is perfect. At least on board dining is much better. Which makes me wonder how much the chef must make.
  10. Yeah, like I said before, freedom my ass. If I have ever seen an asinine idea, this is it. My sister, who long ago moved back to EU, still has to file US tax returns...
  11. You should, Air France starts their pilots at $100K and after 10 years, it's $300K. Plus their airplanes are not beat up pieces of shit US airlines fly. I had a dubious pleasure of flying United once back from Europe when I missed my Lufthansa flight ;-) Plus like I said before, being you're so debt sensitive, theirs is lower than ours...
  12. I wish I didn't have to sleep. You need a fast car or a bike. I go out for a quick half an hour drive, twice a day, sometimes. Solutions magically present themselves at high speed...
  13. I have technical writers and my assistant to deal with my spelling...And a couple of high school dropouts that would make an airliner pilot cry if he saw their paychecks...
  14. Funny, the I find all other aspects of business boring, programming is fun. Still nice to show young punks how to write a proper framework...Really enjoying XAMARIN...Working on a 4 platform, single code base app right now...
  15. Actually, BS in CS, masters in political science and an MBA...Private pilot, instrument rated, deep dive certified...
  16. Cause you're pretty easy to detach from your money, that's why...I like it here and would prefer not to lose my head in a revolution when the poor realize how badly they are being fucked. I consider food stamps to be a small price to pay to keep the guillotine at bay. My liberalism is very selfish.
  17. I work in spurts. 4000 hours every few years, then I mostly chill, fly around the country, do sales and training. Yes, Bravo as personal toy, TBM as a corporate plane...I know, I know, hard life...Spend last year and half restoring an old house, now I'm ready to go back tow work, soon. I can count on two hands how many times I've been in the office last year.
  18. you want to stimulate the economy, drop the maximum, apply across to all income including capital gaines, and drop the rate considerably...What happens right now is that Mitt (yes, I know, my favorite example), pays less in taxes than a Walmart cashier. Because the Walmart cashier at the very least has to pay 15.3%, even if she/he does not pay any other taxes.
  19. And last time I checked, Greece is still there, and meat and wine still flow freely. And Greeks still forget to pay any taxes...
  20. Was it $118 last year? I don't really pay attention. I just pay what the CPA tells me to pay.
  21. And God help you, I'll be just fine...I'm heavily invested in Glen Bleck...
  22. Once again, you missed the big picture, but then I am not surprised. Greece borrows in currency it was not able to print at will. USA can pay off its entire debt with a stroke of a pen. Why is it so hard to understand? We "borrow" in our own currency that we control.
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