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Everything posted by 201er

  1. The investigation has been completed and a probable cause has been released https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/114070612892953565
  2. This is already broken down in the Nall report or whatever they call it lately
  3. They already came up with this for cars and it still doesn’t work. ”In 2022, more than 107,000 people were injured in red light running crashes.” https://www.iihs.org/topics/red-light-running#:~:text=By the numbers,in red light running crashes.
  4. If you’re gonna taxi across the runway in front of a landing 737, it better be at a confusing place like Midway.
  5. No, it would stay still without brakes at idle. But you sure as heck couldn't do a runup! You can spin the plane around in a circle by hand on the spot.
  6. Have you ever gone ice skating?
  7. They can call them whatever they want as long as they get them working and stop these stupid outages
  8. IFR. If you don't like what they're giving you, you can always cancel and proceed VFR.
  9. You mean it takes 30 years to learn this or that it’s a factor affected by age?
  10. Anyone ever forget the tow bar? I wonder if the Mooney style non-locking tow bar might fall out on its own, perhaps in a turn? Probably not after retracting the gear and breaking everything though
  11. I kind of find it funny when people are worried it might be dark when they’re flying in low visibility conditions where you already can’t see anything.
  12. Ah the dreaded VFR into VMC scenario... Other than the poor planning, very well handled by the student pilot and controller. Good on him to fess up and ask for help! Goes to show that just because it's legal VFR doesn't mean it's a good idea to be flying in it. For you non-instrument rated pilots out there, keep in mind that just cause some marginal VFR conditions are legal, doesn't mean you'll be able to see anything. At 3 mile visibility from 6000ft, you can only see about 2 miles ahead on the ground which is only about 1 minute ahead. You could be inside the delta of a towered airport and still not see the runway.
  13. 201er


    It was a warmer cold winter day and my wife wanted to see snow. Luckily there wasn't any in NJ so I didn't have to dig my plane out. Flew north to Ellenville, Resnick N89. Flew Linden to Resnick direct but returned on the Hudson passing the NYC skyline. This was my 2nd time going to Resnick. Last time was in 2008 when my flight instructor sent me up on my 2nd solo cross country to Resnick in a 152. Just my 5th solo in airplane. I don't know what he was thinking because the airport is surrounded by mountains on all sides and one wrong turn or misjudgement of the wind can be a big problem! Looks like it was 53nm, just enough to count as a cross-country from Blairstown 1N7. Took a whole hour but felt like even more doing the whole dead reckoning thing and no electronics at all.
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  14. Meanwhile Alan’s outside blowing the pitot
  15. I didn't know there was any other way coming in from a downwind. Increased risk of forgetting if not for the reminder that abeam numbers gear comes down.
  16. That’s some FOD on that runway! You sure that’s a good idea regardless of the wind direction??
  17. Did you have to respond "unable" to any bravo clearance between when the mandate went into effect and you became ADSB compliant? Or were you allowed into the veil/bravo if they gave it to you?
  18. Wow, that is a miracle. Have you had any luck IFR or something higher?
  19. Doesn’t matter… there’s always vasaviation to keep controller honest
  20. Merry Xmas in 2024 Merry Christmas to all and to all a good flight
  21. Were you issued a pilot deviation for runway incursion? I'm not sure how you're supposed to "lineup" on the taixway... just hold One that I don't like is Patomac approach is obsessed with telling everyone "remain clear of the bravo" which over a scratchy radio with calls blocked or incessant distraction on guard sounds like "cleared into the bravo". I would much rather they don't say anything (then I know I'm not cleared until I request a clearance), clear me in, or at least say "remain outside the bravo" which is distinctly and clearly different.
  22. Does this look like everything is under control? It's just airplane sightings?
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