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  1. Yup, understood. I was wondering why the system logged me in as a different user without knowing their password, etc. Thanks, Jason
  2. Quote: gsengle Quick question - I think I've just about mastered my KAP-150 autopilot, but have one thing I'd like to confirm, and imagined that many here would have the answer. If I'm flying an ILS or say LPV approach, and I've captured the localizer outside the FAF and am in approach mode and in alt mode, having leveled off prior to the FAF, does the autopilot care if im in alt mode or not? Will glideslope capture automatically disengage altitude hold? Does the alt mode matter at all? thanks! Greg
  3. Quote: ehscott +1 on the addition of the 297. You have to replace the altimeter and then try to find a unit and the cost is probably around $15K. I looked into this in detail for my 252 (KAP-150) and decided it was not worth the cost. Next plane will have it for sure.
  4. Congratulations, the instrument rating checkride is definitely one of the hardest I have found and most rewarding to pass!!
  5. Oil changes every 25 - 30 hours with good oil analysis results, good compression checks, and appropriate oil consumption may lead you well past TBO. I have a friend who is currently 400 hours over TBO on his IO-360 with some engine TLC and oil changes every 25 hours and compression checks every 50. Definitely possible with good engine care and maintenance.
  6. Awesome install, it looks great!!
  7. Quote: mooneygirl I guess that earlier post reminds me to always look to see I am logged in as MooneyGirl. Sorry Jason!
  8. Quote: Parker_Woodruff I think World Jet at FXE gives you free parking with fuel purchase for a good amount of time...but call ahead...I'm not entirely sure.
  9. ****POST BY JOLIE (SEE BELOW)**** I will get the event up on the website and out to MAPA tomorrow. [Today is Gabriel's birthday party!] What fun. We also have a list of events in Canada that I will be getting up. Let's get out there and fly those Mooneys, support MAC, and promote GA!
  10. Quote: N9937c do you have fuel flow? larry
  11. Quote: RABthe4th Lew - Thank you! Perfect! Best, Rob
  12. I took both my instrument and CFII checkrides in an M20K and had to demonstrate proficiency in the equipment installed (GPS, VOR, AP, FD) since it is all fair game. The DPE may not have you demonstrate using everything, but going into the checkride it is important to understand that by PTS, all equipment installed in the aircraft is fair game both on the oral and practical exams.
  13. My grandfather is 82 and had insurance through USAIG in his A36 Bonanza up until he sold the aircraft last October (2010). His premiums doubled and then trippled (topping out around the $6,000 figure) over the last few years despite the fact that he received recurrent training every 6 months with a fresh BFR/IPC during each training event. He was told the increase was specifically due to his age with no regard for his FAA qualifications or accident free record. He looked into other insurance companies (Falcon, AOPA IA, etc.) but was told at an older age there is no chance of being insured through them in a retract and every representative he spoke with recommended he stay with his current insurance company. Who is your friend insured with?
  14. In the K I fly, below 10,000 ft. we cruise at 31"/2400RPM and I normally lean by TIT and fuel flow for fine tune adjustments with stock injectors. 1550ºF TIT is where I like to lean to (50º LOP) at about 9.5 - 10 GPH. At the higher altitudes, a little more fuel is required to keep the engine running smoothly (11 GPH), but I usually set the power above 10,000 ft. according to the POH numbers printed on the pilot's side sun visor. I find TCM engines have injectors that are balanced such that they allow for a more smooth and easy LOP operation. I haven't had the same observation with Lycoming engines, but perhaps that's just my own personal experience. Ken's comments about some of the LOP benefits are spot on... lower CHTs, internal pressures, less oil consumed, etc.
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