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Everything posted by 74657

  1. Made it to Denver last evening. We had to divert to Metro after flying around thunderstorm/hail activity that seemed to sit right on top of KAPA. ATC was great getting me around the stuff. Flew LOP the whole way. Saw fuel flows from 11.3 to 11.6 and TAS from 168 to 172 @ 10,000. I dropped down to 8000 and saw 180 kts. on 12.8 to 13. I'm still getting comfortable with the EDM. My #5 cylinder seems to run about 20 degrees warmer than #6 which is the next hottest. 1-4 are about 60 degress colder than #6. The EGT's on 5 and 6 are also the hottest, running about 1525/1500 to mid 14's for the rest. Does this sound right? It's a little unnerving to see the factory EGT gauge reading way hot.... I tried keeping #5 CHT at 410 (plug probes, likely 370 in "real life"). Is it possible to get a "false peak" using the EDM if you do not lean quickly enough? It seemed that 20 LOP gave me the best mix of speed/fuel burn. If I went leaner, say 40-50 I would lose 5-7 kts at a fuel savings of .3 gph. Not a bad trip. Made it to the Denver in 5.5, including the vectoring/airport change...... Still had 25 gallons of fuel left in the plane!!!!!
  2. Quote: BobAustin Will this procedure work on a Missile (IO 550) that only has a high boost not low boost? In the past I used this with my Cessna 340 with uses the same tsio520 that the Rocket uses...worked fine. Bob
  3. Mark Woods used to sell brand new Mooneys if I remember correctly. I have spoken with him on a few occasions and got a good feeling from him.
  4. My wife and I are leaving for a wedding on Wednesday/Thursday this week. If the weather is nice we will make the trip non-stop on Wednesday. If any weather comes up we will likely fly halfway on Wednesday and finish the trip on Thursday morning. I called Tac Air this morning and told them my situation and asked for a rental car to have ready for us upon our arrival. The lady @ Tac asked me to hold and transferred me to the guy at the car rental place and about half way through describing my situation decided to end the conversation and called Signature. The fuel is more expensive at the other FBO but they understood my requests and have my business for this trip. I don't think my request was out of line. Is it too much to expect that kind of service???
  5. What effect does the higher EGT's have on the exhaust system when running LOP? Coming from a guy used to running "below 1400F" 1550 seems like A LOT more heat!!
  6. Thanks Brett! What are guys running LOP? 40-50 degrees?
  7. I understand the physics behind LOP operations. My understanding of the EDM-830 is what is lacking. I have always flown ROP with target CHT's @ 380 and EGT's under 1400. I have a trip to Denver this week and want to go non-stop. Saving an extra 3 gallons and hour will give me extra margin. Especially on the westbound leg..... I will look into the link you posted. Thanks!
  8. The scalar for the HP is off..... 20.3" was full MP @ 10K. All 6 cylinders have the spark plug probes. The CHT bungs have tanis heater elements in them. The engine was running as smooth as a top! Thanks for the help. I need to get used to the icicles. It freaked me out the only time I tried using it!
  9. OK Thanks. The CHT probes are the "spark plug piggyback" style that read higher (about 40F. according to Mike Busch's articles).
  10. We tried LOP yesterday. I'm still not comfortable enough using the LF mode of my EDM-830 and didnt use it. This is what we got.... 10000 ft. 172 Kts TAS Fuel flows went down from 15 to 11.8 Does everything look OK in the photo?
  11. Quote: DaV8or I'm actually looking for a new business venture and love Mooneys. The problem is... Clear Lake. I really don't want to move there and it's too far to commute. I wonder if this operation would function with an absentee owner? I doubt it. Sometimes works with things like fast food franchises, but in this case, it doesn't seem like a good idea.
  12. Quote: Shadrach I have a backgrond in Finance and own 2 businesses. Both are manufacturing companies, one of which deals in development of new technologies designed to offer cost savings to manufacturing operations at the same time reducing environmental impact. I just entertained to DRE's from GM today to discuss a technology I have developed for them. Thanks for asking. There are many ways to VALUE a business. I did not say anything about "transferring liabilities"..... You forgot to include the "I" in EBITDA as many companies now have loans of some type and "Interest" is deducted. A liability CAN be transferred. Especially if it is of the non-cash type such as STC's (possible), ground contamination of they own an FBO with fuel. I imagine that there will be a "hold harmless" that the attorneys will make the buyers sign and that, in my opinion is a huge potential liability. Valuing a business based upon "book value" numbers is simple. The disparity between buyer and seller is not a tangible figure. Buyer thinks multiplier should be higher (in this case it has nothing to do with future growth, technology, patents, etc.) and buyer wants it low. In a business like this you have tools, buildings, a customer list, reputation and corporate memory. The latter ones are where the true value lies and are hard to value as they do not guarantee future business, especially with a new owner. Sorry if I came across as not knowing what I am talking about. Now that we are on the subject, do enlighten me and tell us "what kind of work you are in"....
  13. Quote: Shadrach What kind of work are you in? I doubt that the liabilities would transfer, the seller would settle debt at closing. All of the things you mention would factor in, but if LASAR is in the revenue range that I think it is, a buyer would more likely use EBTDA (earnings before taxes depreciation and amortization). A multiple would then be attached to EBTDA based on the value and risk attributed to future earnings, good will, market factors, compition etc... The starting point would look like EBTDA * some multiple based on the factors above
  14. Assets (inventory, tools, buildings) - Liabilities + Goodwill = value. I would imagine the place carries no debt. Defining the Goodwill value is the sticky wicket. Some people think that they are sitting on a gold mine when the business/industry says otherwise, while others just want to "get out of it" and are less concerned about how much money they put in their pockets... I would say it would sell for less than one might think. Fewer planes flying fewer hours, no new Mooney aircraft being produced that will need service/repairs etc. etc. I wonder why they wouldn't work a buy/sell agreement with one/several of the employees that work there and have the ambition/experience to own the place........
  15. I am in the middle of conducting some tests at work and need a small amount of JP-4 or JP-5. Unfortunately Jet-A or JP-8 cannot be substituted. I have called all of the FBO's in my area that support the National Guard and Coast Guard and unfortunately the Coast Guard planes use Jet-A with prist and the Nat Guard Air Force planes burn JP-8. If anyone is near a field that supports any air guard detachments of F-18's or carrier based aircraft and wants to help me out I'd appreciate it. A tiny sample is all I need along with a receipt that says what it is. 4-8 ozs would be enough. I'll cover the fuel for your flight to the airport! Thanks, Brandon
  16. Grumman Tiger @ 26 Private 3 months later Missile @ 28 Instrument 1 year later.
  17. ..........They probably wondered how the Air Force found out about their side-hustle.
  18. Knisley wanted 1800. Rocket (doesn't even make the part) wants 3500 for a new one. Piloto's shop said to send it down, they will yellow tag it with a fresh overhaul for 750. No B.S. When people give me a range of 1000 bucks it tells me 1 of 2 things are happening, they are trying to get into my pocket OR they don't know how to quote a job. It's a muffler.....stainless steel and welding rod, definately NOT brain surgery. Dawley was very responsive but again, 200 bucks to 1700.
  19. Guys, We found a few cracked welds on my muffler and sent it out to Knisley for quotation. I was less than delighted to get the quotation...... 1200 to 1800. The crack is at the junction of the muffler box and inlet. To weld it up the end cap needs to be removed. To me, it seems like no big deal, especially for a muffler. Dont these things "typically" cost around 1K brand new? Rocket wants 3500 bucks for a new one. I guess this is one of the downsides of owning an aircraft with a major STC...... I know I can't just take it to any welding shop for repair and need to send it to an approved welder. Any help would be appreciated. Pics...
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