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About ovation0219

  • Birthday 08/31/1958

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    Cheraw, SC
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  1. Does anyone know of a used 3 blade hartzell or a damaged repairable one for sale?
  2. the only time my ac does not do well is when the plane has heat soaked in the sun all day. When started up will not cool down the hot interior on the ground. If it is hangared this is not a problem.
  3. Those lights are adjustable my AI flew tank down to engine sputter switched tanks landed added 9 gallons and adjusted light to that amount with plane leveled as it would be in flight. they both work perfectly every time.
  4. Try plugging off the co pilot while bleeding pilot side and then reconnect and bleed co pilot side. that worked for me.
  5. Thanks to all of you especially lancecasper purchased the one on ebay. I will let you know how it turns out. Ricky
  6. Does anyone have a repair station to fix Moritz gauges cluster MP,RPM,EGT,etc in 1999 and up Ovations? or a line on replacements? Thanks Ricky
  7. I have a wing tip strobe out i replaced the bulb does anyone know where the power supply is? the service manual showes it bolted to the inspection plate just inboard from wing tip. Mine is not there on either wing. I have two ovations on the field and neither has the power supply on the inspection plate. anyone know where they mounted it? I have a 2000 Ovation 2
  8. CHeck with Wentworth aircraft he has a couple bravo's i do not know if its the same bottle. But he should.
  9. I am a CFII and i teach trim is used to neutralize yoke forces. not to program a landing. Put the airplane in the attitude it needs tobe for decent and trim for neutral yoke forces. Trim full up just means you are fighting the airplane during your approach and it will cause excessive yoke pressure when you do a go around. Landing is a series of corrections and each may be a little different.
  10. on the stormscope the wx 950 will ot overlay only the wx500.
  11. The Dash was lowered 2 inches in the 1999 model ovation 1 with the addition of the moritz gauges and that was the last year o f the 3 blade mccalley prop 2000 started the ovation 2 and the 2 blade prop. the O3 is a ovation 2 with the midwest mooney 310 hp stc added by the factory.
  12. Thanks this is the first use that makes sence. using it to preset the FD would be useful.
  13. But with the Garmin 530W i select the missed and let the autopilot do its thing. I just see no need for this feature. Thanks
  14. Found the wires hooked from the garmin to the autopilot were in the wrong place. Garmin has to be programmed for the KFC 225 not just for a autopilot there is a special setting for the King KFC225. after thest two adjustments it works fine. Normal autopilot operation and garmin prompts you for autopilot output during the approach and GPSS then works. Thanks
  15. I have over 1000 hours on a tsio360 and around 500 on a io550. no comparrison. the 550 is a new design engine and i have done the gami test to see if i could use gami injectors and they said they could not help it was as close as most using gamis. it is the smoothest engine i have ever flown. and the 360 i had was a victor major and balanced prop. but the 550 was better
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