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  1. True that Artie...
  2. Some of you may already know but David McGee passed away last week. David was the face of All American Aircraft for about 20 years and he spoke to thousands of Mooney owners and trained several hundred more in their 'new to them' Mooney. David's wife, Linda, asked me to pass along this information to you. Her contact info in below if you want to send her an email or text. Thanks, Jimmy Garrison ------------------------------------------------ It is with a mixture of both sadness and joy that I share with you the passing of my beloved David McGee. He was privileged to have known so many of you in and around the Mooney world. A lot of you started as a customer but ended as a friend. And today he is flying with angels. David was a force of nature. He lived out loud. He took immense pleasure in laughter and sharing that laughter. He loved everyone, never meeting a stranger. David's absolute passion was aviation, particularly Mooneys. He was an excellent pilot and a thorough but patient instructor. He had great instinct as well when flying. A fellow pilot and friend told me, ''He didn't fly the plane. He wore the plane." He knew them and loved them so well. David felt he had the greatest job in the world. And he would want me to thank all of you who touched his life and shared his passion. You all gave him a great career, endless adventures, boundless love and respect and lifelong friendships. David did not want a service. Everyone is so scattered. But several of you have expressed your desire to honor him in some way. If you would like to participate, there is a link below to donate in David's memory to Angel Flight. He would be very proud to have your support in his name, of this worthy organization. And I know he would wish you clear skies and a good tailwind. Love, Linda McGee ================= For those that want to contact Linda personally, her contact info is: Email: lcmc2023@gmail.com Cell Phone: (210) 332-3661 For those of you wishing to make a donation in his name, whether it is $10, $20, $100 or more, please go to this link for Angel Flight: https://4agc.com/don.../35399d99-aef5-4f20-8948-09a75e7dd6cd This is for Angel Flight South Central, the region of Texas and the four surrounding states. The folks at South Central will send Linda a notice of your donation. If you would prefer to donate to an Angel Flight Chapter in your own area of the country, let me know and I will get a link for you and let them know Linda's contact info. Thank you all!
  3. Edit 7/4/2024: It is finished. I have emailed 300 copies of the Pre-201 and M20J Guides combined. Happy 4th Everyone. We are putting the finishing touches on the M20J Valuation Guide. FREE to Mooney owners, $35 for non-owners. It should be ready to send out by the end of the week. The Pre-201 guide has shipped over 200 copies so far and is also available. email me at jimmy@gmaxamericanaircraft.com for more info.
  4. It takes a little time and there is much more to the valuation than most people think. Thanks for the good words. Jimmy
  5. I sent out the first 100 Pre-201 Valuation Guides today. 52 pages including photos and almost 18,000 words geared toward the Pre-201 Mooney, the different models, the mods and upgrades and how to arrive at proper value when you tie it all together. It is FREE for Mooney owners. If you don't own but are thinking about buying, email me and I will get you info on what to do if you want one. I will follow up the Pre-201 Guide with an M20J Guide in a few weeks, followed by M20K sometime end of July and hopefully M/R/S by the end of the summer. Email is jimmy@gmaxamericanaircraft.com For owners, just need a tail number to plug into my database. Thanks a bunch! Jimmy
  6. Thank you. It is both fun and challenging to produce. Glad you found it useful!
  7. EDIT 6/21/2024. More than 150 guides emailed so far. Getting a lot of good feedback. I decided to add photos to the guide this time and I think it made a HUGE difference. EDIT 6/18/2024. The guide is ready to go. It turned out to be over 50 pages once I added photos and it totals 17,541 words. Owners can email me (address below) and I will send a free copy. Non-Mooney owner's cost will be $35. We will work out details through email. I am getting the 2024 Mooney Pre-201 Valuation Guide proofed at this time and hope to be able to send it out in the next week to 10 days. The guide is FREE for Mooney owners. It currently sits at 27 pages of Mooney history and value information as it pertains to the Mooney Models M20C / E / F / G. It will lead you through the process that I use when I talk to owners about putting a price on their aircraft. I know quite a few of you got the guide back in 2019 and I still get requests for it now (I got a lot of good feedback on the last one. Here is how Mooney owners get it: email me at jimmy@gmaxamericanaircraft.com and just put 'Value Guide' in the subject line. Either in the subject line or in the body, give me your tail number. If you are not a Mooney owner, you can also email and I can tell you a little more about the guide and tell you how to get one. I plan on getting the M20J and M20K guides out by the end of July and then an M20M and M20R guide out at some point in the late summer or early fall. Thanks everyone! Jimmy
  8. Updated Guides coming out this summer. Pre-201 almost ready. J and K to follow. I think I will finally get around to the R/M models by end of summer. If anyone is interested, please email me at jimmy at gmaxamericanaircraft dot com
  9. Jimmy,

    Do you know the ballpark price for all the laser speed mods on a m20c?  Looking at buying one that has everything installed already.

  10. I have some PFM Engine gauges somewhere. They have been hanging around my office since we converted a PFM to a Liquid Cooled Rocket back in the late 90's. I actually have about 20 hours of PFM time. Very cool aircraft. Definitely underpowered, but a joy to fly, way ahead of its time. Bob Kromer told me after my question to him a few months ago (along with 100+ other Mooney fans at the MooneyMax convention) that Porsche asked Mooney to delay the PFM for 6 months in order to develop a higher horsepower Turbo version of the engine for aircraft. He said it would have been the perfect Airplane had they waited. Bob said Mooney refused to wait and came out with the PFM in 1987 before it was ready. He said that was one of two things he regretted in his Mooney career. The other was the '301'. He need to write a mini-novela on that one.
  11. Sorry. Can't help on this one. I stick with what I know.
  12. On an Ovation, non-FIKI TKS will add anywhere from $10,000 to $15,000. Someone wanting TKS will value it higher. If is for a desert SW destination, it could actually be a negative due to speed loss and maintenance/upkeep. Pac NW, Great Lakes and New England/East Coast buyers value it more than others.
  13. I just had a couple show up unexpectedly. I wasn't expecting them for a few more months. I will post an update with my email address in the next few days
  14. That spec sheet looks familiar (2008) :
  15. I just got a batch of Oxygen Bottles, MFG date of March 2022. email for more info. jimmy @ allamericanaircraft dot com
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