Some of you may already know but David McGee passed away last week. David was the face of All American Aircraft for about 20 years and he spoke to thousands of Mooney owners and trained several hundred more in their 'new to them' Mooney. David's wife, Linda, asked me to pass along this information to you. Her contact info in below if you want to send her an email or text. Thanks, Jimmy Garrison
It is with a mixture of both sadness and joy that I share with you the passing of my beloved David McGee. He was privileged to have known so many of you in and around the Mooney world. A lot of you started as a customer but ended as a friend. And today he is flying with angels.
David was a force of nature. He lived out loud. He took immense pleasure in laughter and sharing that laughter. He loved everyone, never meeting a stranger.
David's absolute passion was aviation, particularly Mooneys. He was an excellent pilot and a thorough but patient instructor. He had great instinct as well when flying. A fellow pilot and friend told me, ''He didn't fly the plane. He wore the plane." He knew them and loved them so well.
David felt he had the greatest job in the world. And he would want me to thank all of you who touched his life and shared his passion. You all gave him a great career, endless adventures, boundless love and respect and lifelong friendships.
David did not want a service. Everyone is so scattered. But several of you have expressed your desire to honor him in some way. If you would like to participate, there is a link below to donate in David's memory to Angel Flight. He would be very proud to have your support in his name, of this worthy organization. And I know he would wish you clear skies and a good tailwind.
Love, Linda McGee
For those that want to contact Linda personally, her contact info is:
Cell Phone: (210) 332-3661
For those of you wishing to make a donation in his name, whether it is $10, $20, $100 or more, please go to this link for Angel Flight:
This is for Angel Flight South Central, the region of Texas and the four surrounding states. The folks at South Central will send Linda a notice of your donation. If you would prefer to donate to an Angel Flight Chapter in your own area of the country, let me know and I will get a link for you and let them know Linda's contact info.
Thank you all!