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    Beechcraft Baron B58

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  1. I had the plane listed with a broker since Thanksgiving and he wanted me to lower the price... He didn't really do a whole lot so I figured I would list it here and see if I get any hits...
  2. Yea its the same plane! I think I paid to much but its a nice plane... Im taking a loss on it. I would like to keep it and upgrade, but the wife wants bigger and faster and another child. So Im looking at an Bonanza A36. I fig the happier she is the more places I'll be able to fly.
  3. Hahaha Thanks...
  4. Price $33,900 make offer 1965 M20E Super 21 N5636Q 4350TT 1240 SMOH 50 STOH 244 SPOH Narco AT-50XPDR Avionics King KX-155 Com/Nav with Glideslope Terra TMA-230D Audio Panel with Marker Beacon Receiver Terra TX 760D Com Transceiver Terra TX-200 Nav Receiver KR86 ADF Reciever and indicator King DME Avionics Master Switch Leather interior with headrest and leather wrapped yokes Manual gear and flaps Gear up in 1993 and 2000 All engine log books and prop airframe log books since 1994 FAA 337 CD Based at KHQZ http://youtu.be/2ubBNes0ZrM Travis Mishler trjymr@yahoo.com 214-697-1102
  5. I'm selling my E and have it listed on controller: http://www.controlle...-21/1250625.htm? pics and more description there... 1240 smoh 50 stop 4350TT Leather Price drop to $35,000
  6. I have a 65 M20E too. I took the clock out and left the trim knob in the same place. Instead of the clock, I have a Mooney logo.
  7. Man at 19-20 I could barely afford to eat off the dollar menu at Wendys... I thought I was young buying my first plane M20E at age 30...
  8. Will someone refresh my memory on everything that must be on board... Weight and Balance license medical registration owners manual
  9. Quote: 201er What do you think of just getting the pilot yoke done? Is it half us much? I was originally thinking of re-powdercoating both of mine but it's only the pilot yoke that's bad. Maybe I can get the pilot yoke done in leather for $300 and leave the copilot yoke (which is very rarely used) as is.
  10. Man I was taught 500' feet AGL gear up 25 squared.... Lean at 3000' Im gonna have to start climbing full foward!
  11. Well Im new to the Garmin 430. I'm working on my IFR rating, but with very limited avionics its making it difficult. I really dont know what all goes into getting and having one installed. When looking on ebay what do I need to look for? I have a 65 m20E, do I need a 24V or 28V? I assumed I would sell my back up Terra radio, and use my KX 155 as backup, but Now I'm thinking it would be better to sell the KX 155 because I could get more money for it. Opinions? Any advice would greatly be appreciated! Any recomendations on a place to do the install in the Dallas TX area? I've attatched a photo of my current panel.
  12. Im in your same boat! I got the sportys and flew through it but I need to go back and go through it again. I also took a night course at my local airport. Then I had my annual come up and need a top overhaul so now its been 2 months since Ive done anything. Good Luck! I know Ill get my rating eventually, just hoping its sooner then later!
  13. I have an E model and mount my ipad on the copilot side, and Im still allowed full foward elavator, not on the pilot side though. For anyone interested: I Jailbroke my ipad at jailbreakme.com through safari and then bought a gps app called BTstack GPS for 5 dollars and now can use any gps with it and it works great. If your familiar with Jailbreak this is the easiest jailbreak Ive ever seen. If your not, its extremly easy! The downside is you have to have firmware 4.3.3 and if you update your ipad through itunes you lose the jailbreak.
  14. Man these yokes look good!!! I have a '65 E whats a general price to have this done? And I love my Zulu headset! I bought an original set of Bose for my wife and I prefer the Zulu any day of the week.
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