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sellis last won the day on October 14 2013

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  1. The Mooney Factory Service Center has two WAAS kits for G1000 equipped aircraft available to be installed at the factory Service Center. We can install WAAS or WAAS with VNAV. Please contact sellis@mooney.com and I will be glad to send you a quote. We also provide other services and would be glad to discuss any upgrades or maintenance needs with you. Thanks Stacey Ellis Service Center Manager Mooney International Corporation sellis@mooney.com
  2. The Mooney Factory Service Center has two WAAS kits for G1000 equipped aircraft available to be installed at the factory Service Center. We can install WAAS or WAAS with VNAV. Please contact sellis@mooney.com and I will be glad to send you a quote. We also provide other services and would be glad to discuss any upgrades or maintenance needs with you. Thanks Stacey Ellis Service Center Manager Mooney International Corporation sellis@mooney.com
  3. Mooney International does have a certification program that will start approximately late 2nd quarter. We will be using a company owned Ovation for the certification program. After FAA approval all Stec autopilot and G1000 equipped aircraft will be eligible for upgrades to ADS-B out and WAAS upgrades including all vertical approach modes. We anticipate to receive approval in approximately late 3rd quarter. At this time we will then offer a retrofit kit for the mentioned aircraft. Many owners of these aircraft are understandably concerned with this issue, but in no way have we forgotten you owners of these aircraft. We will issue a press release when the program is complete. I will also post the release to this website. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
  4. The reason the non current production planes are included is because the attach brackets from the batch were sold by the Parts Dept.
  5. The models that have only one model or serial number had the attach fittings replaced and the parts were sold out of the suspected batch through spare parts.
  6. Check the fuel injection nozzle at that cylinder. Possible it could be partially clogged. Clean the nozzle.
  7. Is my POH available electronically as well? I'd like a copy for my iPad. Best regards, Yes it's on the jumpdrive along with the manuals.
  8. You can purchase any of the Mooney Manuals by contacting serviceparts@mooney.com They come either in paper or electronic on a jumpdrive.
  9. Hello Mooney Followers, It is time for all of you to take a deep breath and listen to what I have to say about Mooney International, now that I am allowed to speak. We have been working for months with Dr. Jerry Chen, President of Soaring America on a deal to provide funding to restart production of Mooney aircraft in Kerrville, TX. This last Friday, all of the necessary hurdles being jumped, Mooney Aviation Company became Mooney International Corporation, with a funding injection by Soaring America. Soaring America is a U.S owned company, with its home office located in the Los Angeles, Ca area. If you were to meet Jerry, you would find a very intelligent, likable guy. I mean this guy is a full Professor of Aeronautics at UCLA, and he saw the potential in resurrecting one of the most advanced aircraft designs in the world, and growing on that for future Aerospace products. When Jerry first approached us, one of the first visions he presented to us was to maintain a high quality aircraft brand, made in the USA by American workers, sold worldwide including up and coming Emerging markets worldwide. Restarting Production of the Ovation and the Acclaim Type S is an expensive proposition, and Soaring America has the kind if financial backing to get this place up and running again. You, as Mooney owners can expect a serious improvement in parts flow and customer care in the coming months. An example would be the Elevator skins, which have not been available for years, are now shipping from the factory in Kerrville to needy customers everywhere. Why? Because Jerry spent $16,000 to replace the rubber press plate on our Large Hydro Press that had deteriorated beyond use several years ago. We are currently receiving bids to refurbish the factory, and are looking to hire upwards of 100 people in the coming year. This will allow us to start Production of new aircraft in early 2014, delivering later in the year. Last week, an unfortunate, and inaccurate Press Release found its way onto some of the internet aviation websites. That subsequently lit up the chatlines with all manner of speculation and comment, including one commenter that was ready to sell his F Model because “he wasn’t going to put any Chinese Junk” on his airplane. Really?? Allow me to present some FACTS to you, that you may not be aware of: - Mooney International Corporation is a U.S. Corporation. Want proof? Friday I transferred the Type Certificate 2A3 to Mooney International Corp. under the authority of FAA Order 8110.4C Paragraph 3-2(f)(2) which states: “Certificate Transfer to a Domestic Holder. When a TC holder transfers a TC within the U.S., the FAA must reissue the TC immediately. The TC holder submits the original TC to the ACO after completing the transfer endorsement on the reverse side of the TC. This changes the TC holder, and the effective date is the date of the TC holder’s signature… - I personally do not care if another country makes “junk”, or not. I am Chief Engineer for Mooney International, and Mooney International makes aircraft and its parts, in Kerrville, Texas that conform to our Type Design. The people that are, and will be employed here are Americans that live in the Kerrville area. Always has been, always will be. - Is the source of this financing originating in other countries? Probably. Let me remind you of another fact: Mooney, for more than the last decade, has been financed by (GASP!) European investors. So if the source of the financing that funds a U.S Company, building a U.S. product in the U.S built by U.S. workers bothers you, then maybe you should check out one of our competitors. Oh, wait! Most of them are owned by foreign companies! But not Mooney International. Oh, and by the way, Dr. Chen’s lineage is not Chinese, rather Taiwanese. In closing, I hope I have been able to put these rumors to rest. If I were you, I would look for news releases that come from here. What is happening here in Kerrville is GREAT NEWS, and should be greeted as such. Bill Eldred Director of Engineering Mooney International Corp.
  10. Mooney News Release.doc
  11. www.allamericanaircraft.com
  12. I was posting to all groups. I didn't mean to come on strong and apologies to Jim.
  13. Jim, We are not threatening legal action to any of the customer base. I was told to get this press release out and that is what I did. No one said it was discussed here. You have read the release now move on.
  14. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From Mooney Aviation Company Inc. Kerrville Texas; June 14, 2013 "We wish it to be known that terms for the sale of Mooney to Hines Aircraft Ltd have not been discussed or agreed as they have stated. We reserve the right to take legal action against them or any other company that issues false statements about Mooney. "
  15. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From Mooney Aviation Company Inc. Kerrville Texas; June 14, 2013 "We wish it to be known that terms for the sale of Mooney to Hines Aircraft Ltd have not been discussed or agreed as they have stated. We reserve the right to take legal action against them or any other company that issues false statements about Mooney. "
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