I'm back in the (Mooney) saddle again . . . or at least I will be soon.
I finally closed on the sale of my Seneca last Monday afternoon and by Wednesday the wire transfer had gone though to Adam to buy his '67 turbo F. On Saturday Parker arrived in Orlando to begin the ferry flight to Tucson for me. Due to weather, the airplane is still in Waco but I hope to have it this weekend. I've been out of town pretty much the whole time so I'm not yet itching to fly it.
This is my third Mooney and seventh airplane all told. My first Mooney was a 1967 C model (N2903L) and my second was a 1991 Bravo (N9124X). I have over 500 hours in Mooneys and over 1,000 hours total with CFI, CFII & MEI. I don't charge for instruction as I only do it for friends (Mooney Space members qualify) and only do it for fun. Most of my time is spent teaching in another area (anesthesia). I figure I only want to teach something if there is at least some possibility of death