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  1. It is hangared at AVL. You can find pictures on Vicki of Vermont's website. Thanks guys........it's going to be a good deal for somebody.
  2. 1967 Mooney M20C, 2850TT, 1050 SNew, 210 SNew prop, King Pkg, Garmin 430, HSI, NDH, nice P&I. New Tempest iridium plugs. Fuel totalizer, new tires, fresh IFR cert. KNS 80 slaved to KI209. 2850tt...210 since new prop (no AD). NSD HSI o'hauled '10. Flies nicely. $42,900. 828-225-6517
  3. After 6 months with the Whelen LED Par 46 landing light, I have determined that it was and is a very good investment. Electrical draw is now negligible on all the systerm because every light on the aircraft is LED. The only protential problem was one Jolie Lucas had and that was a slight"fogging" of the left bottom corner after being on for an extended length of time. I talked to 2 engineers at Whelen, and being in electronics all my life, I was curious if this "condensation" would affect the life of a very expensove bulb. One engineer said to remove the 3 screws that hold the lens to the bulb and then run the bulb for about 15 minutes. Another more recent call revealed that this "fogging" was a non issue. Only time will tell, but I willo say it is the best light for all round use that I have ever seen. Night is brighter and I can use it the whole flight if I so choose. All around good investment, especially for the decrease in load on the electrical system. Already had to take advantage of this when about 50 miles from home at night I experienced electrical failure. Alternator not charging. I always monitor system voltage and when it dropoped to 11.8 volts, I knew I had a problem. The low draw on my electrical system allowed me to keep most all electrics on until touchdow. Oh...field wire broke off. Easy fix. End of story....
  4. After 6 months with the Whelen LED Par 46 landing light, I have determined that it was and is a very good investment. Electrical draw is now negligible on all the systerm because every light on the aircraft is LED. The only protential problem was one Jolie Lucas had and that was a slight"fogging" of the left bottom corner after being on for an extended length of time. I talked to 2 engineers at Whelen, and being in electronics all my life, I was curious if this "condensation" would affect the life of a very expensove bulb. One engineer said to remove the 3 screws that hold the lens to the bulb and then run the bulb for about 15 minutes. Another more recent call revealed that this "fogging" was a non issue. Only time will tell, but I willo say it is the best light for all round use that I have ever seen. Night is brighter and I can use it the whole flight if I so choose. All around good investment, especially for the decrease in load on the electrical system. Already had to take advantage of this when about 50 miles from home at night I experienced electrical failure. Alternator not charging. I always monitor system voltage and when it dropoped to 11.8 volts, I knew I had a problem. The low draw on my electrical system allowed me to keep most all electrics on until touchdow. Oh...field wire broke off. Easy fix. End of story....
  5. I also installed a Whelen Par 46 in my '67C. It is a world of difference. The lines are much clearer and more importantly you go from pulling about 11 amps to about 2. Much easier on your electrical system. Could be critical with an electrical failure at night. All my lights in the airplane are LED, including nav,interior.
  6. Just finished installing Tempest finr wires in 721LP. My, what a difference. Idle is smoother, runup smoother, and it runs nicely. Hope what I've heard and read about no fouling is true. They sure look nice. I talked to Tim Henderson (Tempest owner) and he sais if I didn't like 'em....send them back. Can't beat that kind of confidence.
  7. Had mine inspected about a week ago. My A&P/IA also mailed a response back. All good.
  8. N721LP......all good. Passed with "flying" colors also. $80 for peace of mind. I'd say it's worth it. But I certainly do hope this doesn't become habit forming. We are already having troubles gettin 100LL here at KAVL. Don't need any more troubles.
  9. Hank, I don't think you'll regret the light. worth it just to go from about 19 amps draw down to about 2 amps.
  10. Hank, The LED light is MUCH whiter. It makes all the white lines JUMP out at you. There was no paperwork because it is a simple bulb replacement and no mods were required.
  11. Yeah, Whelen Parmetheus PAR 46. Got it from Tex Aero. Agree with 9660M. Nice bright white beam. Low current draw....
  12. At this point, I believe 2 flight plans are the plan of choice. Less hassle for all concerned.
  13. Well, now it's gone...must be the internet bugs again.....
  14. Sorry Guys.....I didn't post that last one. Must be someone logged in a sme....
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