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About amekler

  • Birthday 12/29/1954

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    Gilford, NH
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    M20M (owned a M20J for 20 years)
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  1. interesting. if I shine a flashlight on the sensor the display goes full bright. when I turn the flashlight off it goes full dim. I'll try your suggestion. Alan
  2. I’m interested i can barely read mine you can email me at nhflydoc@gmail.com Alan
  3. Can you send a photo?
  4. My display is going on my Shadin mini flow-L Does anyone have one they removed? Alan N9127M 2000 Bravo
  5. Do you know how much they are charging?
  6. I don’t need one yet but would like to have a spare . someone in need should take priority where did you obtain one and how much ? regards, Alan
  7. Yes that was the trick moving the frame and pulling the lever!thank you!
  8. I removed my rear seat bottom cushions. Then removed the seat back cushions. folding the seat back forward they do not lie flush but stick up an inch or so. Are they supposed to fit completely into the seat bottom cutout? Alan
  9. Is this for the bravo? alan
  10. Thank you also check out Textron Alan
  11. is anyone at OSH that can check this out? Alan
  12. Talked to Greg at ps engineering he said it is something that Mooney wanted them to do but was never done didnt know why it would act up now said send in for repair for$600 or buy a new pma7000m-bt for $1600 anyone have one they upgraded and don’t need? alan
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