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About Grant_Waite

  • Birthday 10/17/2000

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  1. These 6 nut plates that you see. You can see the holes in the emergency latch. The image you’re looking at is a template for all the holes in the small chance someone does this again.
  2. Kinda crazy they still sell them for 2500 bucks.
  3. Yeah it’s not the most confident inspiring design by any means. But when it worked it worked.
  4. Yeah there’s a lot this document doesn’t tell you at all. 940007_F EatonPlessey upgrade.PDFLike cutting away some of the price that’s to left of the gear motor to make clearance.
  5. Actually the previous owner had bought a servo a couple months before I bought it so he gave it to me. I’ve just had it sitting at home. I had a highly qualified avionics guy from Sarasota avionics come to me and he diagnosed what made it stopped working in the first place. The in line fuse had blown, from what I’m not sure but most likely because one of the wires was frayed almost in half. Not long before he came I was just using a 12v battery to move the old servo to test it and it shit the bed after a time or 2. The gears inside had all been stripped. See picture attached of the new servo. Old one is identical inside.
  6. Yeah I basically did the same thing but I got my Eaton from Lasar but the brackets from bas and all new hardware from aircraft spruce. I also have the 3 brackets that’d you need in cad since you’re not always going to be as blessed as I was to find all 3. You would just need to get the bushings off McMaster Carr or if you find all 3, that’s your best option. I sandblasted all the brackets and spray painted them with some zinc chromate. New hardware and they were basically brand new. Once they get installed, they ain’t ever coming out so take the time and make them like new. I did not however get Mooney or any DER involved because to me and my installer, it’s completely unnecessary. But as I’ve learned every mechanic and person is different it can be as easy or difficult as you make it. I’ve had zero issues with the new system. It’s a more powerful actuator so it doesn’t strain at all. You can really feel the floor torque underneath you when you swing the gear on the ground.
  7. I’ve decided I’m just going to put the rudder trim back on. Albeit it’s quite flimsy and system it’s the cheapest option I have. I’m definitely not going to shell out money for a replacement rudder. My mechanic did contact Mooney and they were as useless as can be about it. Basically said a whole bunch of nothing. The plane was painted in 2010 and that rudder system was installed well before then so I’d imagine they were supposed to balance the rudder whether they did or not I don’t know. I think checking the balance on it wouldn’t be a bad idea once I have the new servo installed.
  8. Yeah that’s the plan as well. It could be what’s causing my plane to not fly straight but it did that before the rim was removed so I’m not sure.
  9. I recently removed the inoperative AeroTrim rudder trim, from my 77J and I’m now left with a square hole in the skin of the rudder. My plane is currently at the shop for other work and the mechanic is unsure what’s the best or legal way to repair the hole. Looking at the service manual the material on the rudder skin is 2024 T3 Clad 0.20thickness. Could a simple rectangular patch with blind rivets not be an acceptable method? The rudder trim servo was exactly that and probably lesser quality of material. I don’t see a need to have the whole rudder reskinned or even worse replaced. I did fly with the patch covered with hvac tape and it did just fine.
  10. I just put it inside a box, inside a box with the brown packing paper I’d saved from my Aircraft spruce orders. My mechanic packed it I just provided the box’s and paper. It made it to Commie fornia from Florida and back just fine. UPS 2nd day air. I wouldn’t see why an owner couldn’t remove the mag it’s not the worst thing to get off. 2 nuts on the top and bottom and remove the screws holding the caps on with the ignition leads and that’s it. Difficult part is finding how to slide it out depending on how cramped your engine is. Here’s the SL when going to install again also has the important hardware listed such as lock washers. Dual%20Magneto%20Attachment.pdf
  11. +1 for Aero Accessories of Van Nuys on doing my D3000 500hr inspection within the same day of getting my mag. Upon inspection after tearing it down, they realized both of the plastic gears should be replaced… I think they’re called the distributed gears but I’m not sure. Each one cost around 300 bucks a piece and it was only going to be a $300 difference between an IRAN and an overhaul so I had them overhaul it. Cost was probably 2k with shipping. They got it Wednesday and it was shipped back to me by Monday. It would have shipped sooner if it hadn’t been for me wanting new capacitors. They had to wait over the weekend for aircraft spruce. I can’t recommend them enough after my first experience with them. If I need anything else I’ll be sending it them and not QAA. Just haven’t heard great things from QAA. http://aeroacc-vny.com
  12. I have not, this is the first set of tires I’ve had to do. It started with the left main because the tube got a hole in it, so I replaced the tire and tube then decided to do the other shortly after.
  13. I currently have these on both mains and they’ve been working just fine https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/lgpages/retreadtireselite.php The nose wheel has an air hawk from when I bought the plane. When it needs to be replaced I’ll use a new Goodyear flight custom 3 The Retreads are a Goodyear Flight Special II core with Michelin air stop tubes.
  14. I just had both of mine replaced at my last annual. The Lasar ones are half the price and just as good. Not to self though they are way oversized and will need a lot of trimming and cutting to fit perfectly. Your lens look exactly how my planes lenses looked and mine is a 77J so someone added them and I greatly thank them for it. Mooneys without wingtips look goofy. Think about getting some Whelen leds if you really want to update the look. Nothing drags down a nice new lens like old lights.
  15. This, I think she was a DEI hire in all likelihood hence why Trump has called out DEI could have been a factor. They knew the instant this happened who was flying that helicopter and everything there was to know about them. All makes more sense with the family not wanting to release the info, they knew there was going to be backlash.
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