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  1. My current manifold pressure gauge is on the far! Right, that’s part of the reason for the upgrade. I’m not sure if it was the original factory placement but it was awful to fly with.
  2. I have thought about additional upgrades for the panel but we’re trying to keep the project within a budget. Would have liked to go with dual Dynon screens but the Mooney needs other $$$ items. Might try to budget dual G5 but right now it’s only the MVP
  3. Remove it and straighten it with a hammer on a flat plate, been there done that not an issue and a 10 minute fix.
  4. Amazing! Scary! Definitely something that needs to be practiced, you always think it won’t be you!
  5. That’s what I was thinking the MVP becomes primary and anything left behind becomes secondary.
  6. I didn’t see it mentioned in the MVP instructions that all existing instrumentation MUST be removed. It’s not a major issue, just trying to determine a layout for the panel. Definitely going to be a little bare on the co-pilot side!
  7. This image shows the MVP 50 with existing manifold and tachometer
  8. I didn’t realize with the MVP acting as primary that you can’t retain any of the existing as backup. For example the plane power alternator voltage regulator comes with a warning light. Yes the MVP has the alternator covered but the light is also convenient?
  9. And how much more of the fleet could have minor modifications to run non-ethanol mogas?
  10. Yes I’m located in Newfoundland Canada and we check regularly for ethanol. We also checked with the only current supplier of mogas and they have verified there is no ethanol in the premium mogas. It probably won’t be added because apparently when ethanol is added to the fuel it has a shelf life of 90 days. There isn’t enough of a demand in the area to turn the fuel over in 90 days.
  11. That’s an ideal location for it! I’m still running the basic flight instruments so not sure if I can squeeze it in between the flight instruments and radio stack. Without moving the radio stack to far copilot.
  12. That’s my plan but wanted suggestions if I should leave something intact as a backup? Also looking for suggestions on placement of the MVP, should have a decent amount of empty space with the steam gauges gone. Placement wise, I would like to have the new monitor closer to the pilot / center of the panel. Currently my manifold pressure is on the far right of the panel, next to the entry door which made it a PIA to see. Looks like at minimum will replace copilot and Center radio sections of instrument panel I guess I should list what’s being removed for sale also.
  13. Okay, Looking for suggestions/ pictures Getting ready to start the removal of existing engine instruments and installation of a MVP 50 as my primary engine monitor in my M20C. Looking for suggestions on placement and thoughts if I should keep some of the existing gauges? Trying to keep in mind I may upgrade the flight instruments at a later date.
  14. There’s no ethanol in the premium grade mogas in my area
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