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  1. Roger that! Was doing some “super 21” vinyl for my wingtips and it occurred to me that I didn’t know what the 21 was for? Appreciate the help!
  2. I know that the 201 got it's name from its cruise speed. Where did the Ranger, Mark 21, Super 21, etc... get their names?
  3. Yep! N9303M Two North Atlantic crossings - time to say goodbye - Vintage Mooneys (pre-J models) - Mooneyspace.com - A community for Mooney aircraft owners and enthusiasts
  4. EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thanks!
  5. Just started my Mooney addiction last week with the purchase of a 66 M20E... Does anyone know a source for the wing nut fasteners on the oil door on an M20E? Thanks in advance!
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