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    Philadelphia, PA
  • Interests
    Flight Test
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    M20J MSE
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  1. Well sign me up I’ll be there.
  2. I am 6’ 3” and I always wish there was at least one more set of holes in my seat rails. The person I bought it from last year was rather short so maybe I have pedal extensions because so many other tall people seem to fit. In other news, are all of us NJ, PA, DE Mooneys meeting up somewhere for lunch? I’ve seen quite a few of yall on ADS-B and a few folks on the ground at KGED.
  3. I am doing a similar activity and finding in these cold winter months that a minimum of 55% power is required to keep everything warm.
  4. Mine pop open with a tailwind or descent or close in a climb if I have the switch in the neutral position. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. As it turns out, I was just unlucky and got a bad batch of fine wire spark plugs. I suppose I should have questioned 0 FH plugs sooner. I just assumed that there was no way all 8 could have been bad. Switched to the other brand and everything is running well. On the plus side, I have a brand new ignition system now HAHA. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. BLUF: airborne again finally Well I have one MTF down with no anomalys. Once I get another I will post the back story. I would like to not muddy the name of a company until I’m sure they had poor quality.
  7. I will certainly let the shop know that
  8. Indeed it has been inspected since the issue began. What started as a large mag drop before inspection became it would not run on the left mag after inspection.
  9. That’s correct previous that worked. I plan on trying that again later this week.
  10. Yup that’s what the above comments were in relation to.
  11. New capacitors/condensers checked the p leads with a buzz box and all good. Still no smoking gun. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. I've been trying to figure that out. I thought for the IO-360A3B6D the left was the starting mag. I was hoping someone on here knew.
  13. I'll try that next, I havent tried that. I do know it runs rougher on both than on Right alone so I assume the left mag is doing something sometimes.
  14. It used to run rough now it completely stops. I'll try that next.
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