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Everything posted by Lax291

  1. RH speed brake would not retract fully when I bought my plane about a year ago. Went to pull them today to clean up and lube with Aeroshell 22 to see if that would fix the retract issue...it did not. I couldn't even get the screws on top off as the heads started to strip (and my Kobalt brand philips screwdriver snapped!! P.O.S.) so I did everything from the access panel. Removed globs of grease that looks similar to vanilla frosting and then applied AS22 to the gears. I cycled a few times and still the RH brake did not retract fully. Just seeing if anyone had other thoughts on what else I could try just with access through the panel?
  2. Hey Tyler, best of luck on the final lap with the certificate. I'm in CT too and a DINK like you with a dog. Always had my eye on a Mooney for the speed and economy and was fortunate enough to acquire a J model last year. We are loving it, but certainly some additional expenses I incurred by being a freshly minutes pilot with 0 retreat when I bought the plane. Would I change things knowing what I know now.... probably not (I'm stubborn!) but if you ever want to check out a Mooney or chat about my experience just message me, I'm based out of HFD. I think @Skates97alluded to it, when you're ready to purchase, buy the "nicest" plane you can afford. Upgrading a steal of a plane will be more expensive than paying for a solid, well cared for platform. Happy flying and looking forward to the improving weather too!
  3. I'm a new Mooney owner myself (J) but based out of KHFD which is right next to Robertson Field where this looks to be based. I'd be happy to take a look and get eyes on but full disclosure I am no Mooney expert. Feel free to message me if I can help in any way. Good luck in your search!
  4. You are correct @Fly Boomer but appreciate the willingness to help @OR75
  5. Thanks for the guidance guys. I didn't think there was a need for new W&B as I also didn't think the power supplies were driving the recognition lights.
  6. Thanks for mentioning that, I do use the browser and it does a much better job. In the post, I didn't see what I would call a "definitive" answer. Did you make this entry as a PP? Via an IA/A&P?
  7. Might be kicking a hornets nest here, but is there a definitive answer on if the new(ish) WAT LED recognition lights can be pilot installed and signed off? Did a search online for forum answers and didn't find anything.
  8. Alright, ran into a roadblock with the lights as I didn't realize the front lights and rear lights are on different switches. So, I decided to put the red bulbs in the front and white ones in the rear. Pictures attached are in dark hangar with only the fronts on then only the backs on. Red certainly lights up the front panel well in my opinion. Also, haven't figured out why my portrait pictures are being rotated when I upload...
  9. Thanks to all the comments, recommendations, and references to SB and AD's. I can see now that losing a cap is preferable over one leashed but battering the wing. I'll be clipping the straps tomorrow.
  10. Thanks for the link to the SB and to the new straps. This is where I think it confuses me, someone pointing out the SB that says to remove (even though I don't believe it's mandatory?) and then someone pointing out to new straps. Maybe I should have made a poll of who has the straps still attached.
  11. So looking through my logbooks I saw an entry which referenced removing the fuel cap straps (don't have in front of me so can't reference the AD#). So thought it was odd to see the plastic straps attached to both caps. Anyone know if these are OK or if they should be removed? 1990 M20J.
  12. Side to side Mooneys, one hasn't flown since 2009 (based on ADSB data) and the other flew a few months ago. Can you tell which one is which...? This is at Hartford Brainard KHFD.
  13. Well the new hose did it and finally able to see MP below 19" which is making landing a lot easier? Thanks for all the help on this, much appreciated.
  14. I took the other side (good side) and threaded it on the firewall fitting and it threaded on fine and snugged up, think I still need to replace it? @N201MKTurbo thanks for the recommendation on Aero Performance! I was going to stop at my local MX shop to see if they had one but sounds like this is custom made? (Apologies for the ignorance, green Mooney owner here).
  15. Thanks guys, it's a flex line unfortunately.
  16. Alright, i removed the line and looks like the threads on the hose might be a little cross threaded and didn't/couldn't seat all the way. Going to see if I can clean it up a little and see if it will snug up more.
  17. I did check to see it the connector was hand tight and it was. I couldn’t turn it either way with my hand, but if you think I should put a wrench to it let me know.
  18. Thanks for the help. I looked at the braided stainless line and right where it connects to the firewall it can spin freely before the fitting. The other end of the line which is connected to the rigid tubing coming from the engine does not turn freely so wonder if the connection to the firewall is bad. Going in for an oil change and will have the mechanics look at it.
  19. I’ve got a 1990 M20J and my first complex plane. I’ve been noticing the MP gauge does not go below 19” with the throttle fully closed. I notice this when coming in to land as well as taxiing. Not being familiar with the Mooneys or planes with MP gauges, I’m thinking this should go lower and even my CFI during transition training mentioned he sets the MP to 15” when abeam the numbers configuring for landing. If it should be going lower, any idea what the issue might be?
  20. NP, just got the red ones in today and will install sometime this weekend and take a post a picture to see how well they light up the cockpit.
  21. Here's a note from their website about a dimmer control. I don't believe the dimmer is PWM but all I know is when I select low the LEDs are low and when I go to high they get brighter.
  22. Here's a link directly to Aero-Lites site where you can buy them individually or in 10-packs. https://www.aero-lites.com/product-page/313F Warm White was the color I used BTW.
  23. Wanted to do a quick report as I didn't see one before, but I have a 1990 M20J MSE and had a burnt out interior overhead light. Pulling the bulb, it was a GE-1818 and after a google search I came across Aero-Lites 313 LED bulb. Now, on their site it says these LEDs are dimmable but I remember seeing a bunch of posts where people tried other LEDs and they did not dim. I'm happy to report that these indeed do dim with my plane. My setup is a rocker switch with Low-Off-High positions and the low is low with the high being high. I tested with 1 LED and the GE-1818 bulb and then both LEDs with no issue. I've attached 2 pictures, first is on Low and second is on High and hopefully you can see the difference. Purchased a 2-pack on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083ZKD76K?ref_=pe_386300_442618370_TE_sc_as_ri_0&th=1 and because they worked so great I am going to swap out the pilot side with the Red LEDs so that I can have red light for night and warm white when protecting night vision is not needed.
  24. Hey All, Did a bunch of searching but wasn’t able to find an answer so hoping you can help. Picked up my new-to-me Mooney last week and when using the AP I noticed some of the annunciator lights were out on the Century 2000 AP. Some of them are still working, but wondering if there is a way to replace the lights on the annunciator? Picture attached for reference. Thanks!
  25. An update on the avionics. Received a quote from a recommended shop at my home field and they came in at ~$23K for the GFC 500 install (previous was $26K). The GI 275 AI & HSI came in at $15K and the same price to add the GI 275 engine monitor (previous was $18K and $19K). Seeing some savings locally and having them where I keep my plane will be a bonus. +1 for having a friend who recommended them after doing an avionics upgrade in his Arrow.
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