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  1. I also was wondering if this would work? I can’t seam to find what the output from the Uavionics adapter is? would be a cool setup if it worked and also replaced the need for a 106..
  2. was this plane at Skywagons? If so it is a nice looking plane! good luck working through the few small items we all find with a new plane!!
  3. Great news! thanks for all the hard work you did on this!!
  4. yokes and gear actuator are the only things i was after i didnt bid very much at all but who know? I dont expect to even hear back from them but will update if i do!
  5. Well i bid on the power tower J.... See if i hear anything back...
  6. Call Kevin, he is great with all thing Brittain
  7. Awesome that was fast, glad I’d for you!!
  8. Have you looked into purchasing this set up? I don’t know much about “rockets” but I have heard there are several unique parts involved. this might be a good opportunity to get some apart parts and have what is hopefully a good core. Or do a prop strike inspection and fly on this engine until you can get yours sorted out… https://baspartsales.com/mooney-m20k-rocket-305-conversion-kit-continental-tsio-520-nb-prop-struck/
  9. Now, about those two different style comm antennas on top??? It had a "7" antenna but i changed it to the current straigh blade, the whip stype antenna is not centered so not sure what if anything i am going to do with it..
  10. I have had 92Q for about two and a half years. I really like the plane and it has been good to me. I have “caught up” on some maintenance/upgrades, new donuts, overhaul the mags, new flexible lines, new engine mount with the added gussets, got rid of some plaid headliner and not so nice blue carpeting, upgraded to J yokes, standard 6 pack layout, got the Brittian working, AV30 and JPI 830. But the one thing that has driven me crazy is the false third window. I always liked the “masked“ look on Mooneys. I decided to take the plunge and try to switch it up and add a “mask” and get rid of the rear fake window. I think it turned out decent, its not perfect but I am happy with the overall outcome. I used Spray Max 368 0031 2KRapid Fill Primer and Spray Max 368 0080 2K single stage topcoat. All in it calculates to about 4.5-5.5 oz to the weight of the plane.
  11. I also would suggest Aeromotors, they really turned my pump around quick
  12. Check the sounder itself. Mine went bad a couple of months ago and lasar had the part in stock. It is on the co-pilot side up high. If you still have the original avionics access it will be easy to get at and confirm that is the problem, if you have the lasar 201 windshield mod it might be tricky. I have the SWA windshield mod so I retain a small access panel, it wasn’t to bad. Get your hands on the wiring diagram to trouble shoot, it’s a simple system, when the “stall flap” is up it completes the system and the horn sounds.
  13. thanks for all the leg work you are doing on this! i would pre-pay for a set if Mooney is willing to produce them.
  14. or 3.... I'll buy a set........
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