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RoundTwo last won the day on July 21

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About RoundTwo

  • Birthday 01/18/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    White, Ga
  • Interests
    Flying, guns and motorcycles.
  • Model
    ‘88 M20J 205
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  1. I agree with @Marc_B’s conclusion that a bit more development would yield approximately 33% more functional lighting by moving the light outboard and uncovering the 2 inboard LEDs. Oh well, still better than melted lenses.
  2. Man, you’re just not having good flying luck this year. It’s got to get better soon.
  3. There is no signing up. Load IOS 18 and get busy. Easy Peasey.
  4. I’m wondering how precise they interpret US boundaries because this would be great for over-water flights to the Bahamas.
  5. For MooneyMax earlier this month, we flew KRMG direct to T82, 5.5 hrs @12,000’. We didn’t fuel up until we flew an hour east to KGTU. 8 gph @12,000’ was the key.
  6. 18 was officially released on September 16th.
  7. The document with the details is in the first post.
  8. Here’s a great change for pilots. You can now text friends and family using satellites, and it’s not just for emergencies anymore. Here’s a support doc describing it. I tried it out on Thursday and it worked well. https://support.apple.com/en-us/120930
  9. I’ve got an issue of filiform corrosion around rivets in several places that I’m attacking every now and then. I have tried multiple methods of mechanical paint removal, but by far, the best way has been the Harbor Freight soda blaster to clean each small area without affecting neighboring paint. At first I tried it without a compressed air drier and it was a tortuous job. Now that the air runs through the refrigerated drier, it’s a cinch. After paint removal, I feather each spot then treat with etch, Alodine, epoxy primer and top coat.
  10. Do you have an engine monitor you can download data from?
  11. One thing on this plane is that it is an AT (Advanced Trainer) model. The tell is the plain emblem on the control wheels, Manual cowl flaps, square windows. I believe this is also a 12v system, but could be wrong about that. The non-AT 88 models are the 28v 205’s that are MSEs, and noted as such.
  12. I was able to find several balancers here in Georgia by posting in the Georgia Pilots FB group. I assume there’s a similar type of FB group in your area as well.
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