Hello fellow Mooney enthusiast! This is my first time on this chat site. I have a 305 Mooney rocket and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced a coking issue with their turbo charger? I have approximately 1600 hrs on my current rocket. I replaced the engine approximately 650 hours ago. Within the last eight months I’ve had two nearly catastrophic issues with my turbo charger. Coking has occurred twice in 8-9 months blocking the Oil return/scavenge outlet. My last flight of approximately 10 minutes resulted in losing approximately 7 quarts of oil burnt through the turbo charger. Fortunately, The flight was a short one. I understand from my mechanic that there is a service bulletin regarding this issue on the Mooney rockets. It should be checked every 100 hours. It has not occurred during the prior 1600 hrs of Rocket time. My mechanics and I are trying to find the reason and a solution.
I would appreciate any thoughts or if anyone else has had this experience. If you own a Rocket, be sure to check for this issue. It takes only several minutes to burn through your oil supply before a catastrophic event could occur. I’d appreciate any and all responses.
Thanks, John O