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  1. Thanks to all who replied. After further investigation, we replaced the mag points and condensers and so far, the problem has not reoccurred. I'm lost as to how that could have been the problem, because it was not anything that felt like a mag problem. However, all seems well for now. (Famous last words?)
  2. Thanks to all responders. I was amazed at how common this problem seems to be. I was also amazed at the number of responses! I am awaiting the installation of the new EIS and we'll do the Continental routine, although the problem seems to have gone away with new mag points and condensers. Thank again to all.
  3. This is a kinda generic question, but the IO550N in my M20L has developed an ugly habit of quitting on rollout after an otherwise perfectly normal flight. It's done this twice out of the last three flights and the MX guys can't find anything wrong. It just quits with no drama, as if you pulled the mixture to ICO. Fuel pressure shows normal level and the main pump is about two years old. Happened after a three hour flight, next flight was about 1 hour and it did not try to quit, next flight was about two hours and it tried to quit. Now that I've been through it, I can keep it from quitting altogether by bumping the boost pump. No, I was not out of gas: 25 to 30 gallons evenly distributed across both tanks. I've flown it about 200 hours and never had the problem before a couple weeks ago. Suggestions?
  4. Thanks for the response. I hadn't thought about the STC issue, but then neither did the JPI rep. I spoke to at Oshkosh! I hate to buy used avionics because there is usually a good reason they were removed and replaced. But I'll see of my current issues are with the display. I don't like it much, but I don't dislike it $6000 worth.
  5. Well, that's not good news. I will research it. Thanks
  6. Thanks very much. I will have to investigate the STC issue with my friendly local FAA.
  7. N142MP, 1988 M20L converted by Mod Works with IO-550N. Vision Microsystems VM1000 has had several display/sensor problems, so I'm investigating the update/upgrade. I've looked at JPI stuff but has anyone done the upgrade using any manufacturer's EMS unit? Tim
  8. Turbo, Thanks, we'll do that but couldn't get to it today.
  9. Lancecasper, Thanks. I did not realize there was a separate power supply just for the tail strobe.
  10. Wingtip strobes work fine, tail does not work at all. Checking line power to the tail gave a steady high voltage reading, with no pulse action. Strobe tube is blackened, which I think means it's probably failed. The line voltage seems strange and I don't want to just replace a light tube if the line voltage is wrong. Unit is a Whelan A625-D. The cover and housing are fine, so can I just replace the A625-D flash assembly with a 627 flash tube assembly? Much less $$$.
  11. Thanks to all who responded. I sent the AI back to Castleberry and they repaired it. Reinstalled and everything works as it should, at least it has for the last three hours! This really remarkable part? The charge was under $300.00. (Yes, the decimal point is in the right place.) I can't recall the last time I had ANYTHING done on one of my airplanes for only $300. Kudos to Castleberry!
  12. Matthew, I’m no expert on values, but I’ve owned a dozen airplanes over the last 55 years, so take my thoughts with that caveat. Prices are hard to figure out because there are so many variables from one airplane to the next. Sources like V-ref are more accurate for popular airplanes with lots of sales to populate their databases. That said, the market has been pretty crazy over the last 36 months. My sense is that prices on most models are declining a bit at present. Take price guides with a grain of salt. Other commenters here have given good advice so I won’t repeat that. What I will add is that you should buy one in the condition and equipped as you want. Don’t buy less and think you want to “fix it up”. That almost never works unless you have the time, skills and certifications to do the work yourself. Airplane renovations are the source of the adage that “You can make a small fortune in aviation, if you start with a large one.” Pay a little more for what you want and you’ll be better off. With Mooneys especially, look for one that doesn’t sit around a lot. Corrosion is a big issue, particularly with idle Lycomings and steel cage airframes. Good hunting and good luck! Tim
  13. Does anyone have a source for the parts circled on the attached photo? This is from an M20L converted to R configuration. I am missing one set of the pins at each end and the associated thumbscrew. Thanks!
  14. Actually, I misspoke. My a/p is a KFC150 (adds FD) I note the other topic for a KAP150 but I don’t know if that is similar enough to provide comparison. The installation manual is the issue at the moment.
  15. Is anyone aware of compatibility issues with these two units? The newest Installation Manuals I can find online are from 2020. Are there revisions/updates since then?
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