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Everything posted by redbaron1982

  1. Hi all, I'm close to buy a M20J, it would be my first airplane. Currently I feel like in an obstacle races. A lot of things to sort out. My current obstacle? Getting a CFI with Mooney experience to fly with me the first 20 hours for insurance purposes. Does anyone know a CFI with Mooney experience in the Houston area? I would be flying out of KDWH (most likely). Thanks. Ernesto.
  2. The airplane is located at SAINT-HUBERT, CANADA. This would be my first airplane, so "my IA" still has to be chosen. I live in Houston, so my idea is to take the airplane to Southwest Texas Aviation. Maybe I can introduce myself with them and see if they can help me with the first step, that's getting the airplane to the US.
  3. Hi all, Anyone has experience on the process to import a Mooney M20K from Canada? The aircraft was originally registered in the US, then it was exported to Canada (and now has a C-Registration), and now I'm thinking of buying it and importing it back to the US. How complex is the process? Can anyone provide a contact of a person that could help me with this process?
  4. Just to add to the concerns rewarding the gear up landing of that same airplane, on the log books it describes a annual with some repairs to the skin and LH wing rib due to a "runway incursion". I got FAA records and there is no form 337 for the gear up landing repairs. Doesn't that render the aircraft not airworthy?
  5. Thanks a lot for your inputs guys. Regarding pics, I did ask if there were any for this event, because that could shed some light on this. The answer was that there is no pictures of the event. I didn't know that insurance would cover this. Doesn't make sense to not do the inspection if it would be covered by your insurance.
  6. Hi all, I'm still in my search for a J or K Mooney and I came across a J (published here in mooneyspace) that had a prop strike and the engine was not teardown for inspection. The good thing is that the owner brought the issue himself. So good and honest. The thing is that the aircraft supposedly had a very light prop strike on landing due to porposing and very lightly just one blade scratched the concrete. They replaced the prop but didn't not teardown the engine for inspection. Allegedly after evaluating with several A&P. What are your thoughts? Mine are that a prop strike on landing due to porposing is never small and the engine should have been teardown for inspection. Also in the logbook there is only an entry due to the prop replacement but there says nothing about the prop strike.
  7. Hi all, this is a very silly question... but I don't know the answer. I see a lot of Mooneys that don't have what it seems to be the normal rudder/brake pedals on the co-pilot side. They only seem to have a two metal bars, without the aluminum plate for the foot. What's that about? Rudder/brakes on just one side? And example from a M20K 231 currenty in TAP
  8. Hi, i'm looking at a Mooney that's located in KGCT. As I live in Houston, I want to get a good mechanic that can go and take a look at it. Does anyone know a good mechanic in that area? Thanks!
  9. Hi all, I'm in search of my first airplane (I have M20J in mind, eventually M20K 252 or 262). As you all know, there are very few descent alternatives, and some of them have a really "messed up" panel. My question is, apart from the actual hardware (meaning, radios, audio panels, etc) what's the cost one could expect from redoing a panel, meaning, changing the actual face and relocating some of the instruments and replacing some of them? I don't want to go extra fancy, like G1000, but for instance, getting the 6 pack properly aligned (some have not the standard layout), and some radios replaced/relocated, some old equipment removed (like an RNAV unit). I'm trying to figure out if it is a 1k, 5k, 10k or 50k cost, again, not considering the actual hardware (I would assume that installing a G430 or a GTN 650 is similar in cost of man/hour, maybe I'm wrong). Sorry if it is just a too generic question without any valid possible reply!
  10. Hi all, As you may know from other of my posts, I'm looking for a M20J (prefereably) or M20K, I'm looking less than 5k TTAF and less than 1000 SMOH. There are veeeery few in the market, and the one that appear, they are sell in no time. Which is the best approach for doing the search? I'm located in Houston, Texas. Maybe a broker I can send them what I'm looking for maybe contacting aeroclubs or similar?
  11. Regarding the price increase, the avionics were upgraded significantly (for instance to G5 were added, or an old transponder replaced by a garmin). Also the autopilot was upgraded. So I think the price difference is reasonable. And we have 10 years of inflation in the middle. At 2% anual, it is 22% in 10 years.
  12. I'm searching a M20J or M20K, and today I came across a very nice M20J (https://www.barnstormers.com/classified-1678485-1978-Mooney-M20J-201-IFR.html). Or at least I thought it was, I was ready to pull the trigger on it (aka purchase agreement) but then I found this: https://www.airmodsflightcenter.com/shop-project and this https://www.planecrashmap.com/plane/nj/N301KC/ The airplane suffered and off airport landing shortly after take off in 2008, hitting some trees. After that, it was rebuilt (replaced the wings with a M20K wings). First of all, isn't it not very transparent for someone to publish an airplane for sale and not mentioning that it was in crash with subtantial damage? Second, isn't it asking a lot 135kUSD for an airplane that went through such accident? Last, but not least, is it safe to buy such an airplane? I mean, on the bright side it was fully "inspected" for corrosion in 2008, as it was taken completely appart, but again, it is an aircraft that was completely taken apart and put back together by a shop and not mooney itself.
  13. Thanks again all for the great insights! In particular to @1980Mooney, you did take a lot of time to investigage. I found very suspicious the corrosion issue mentioned in NTSB and not found in the logbooks. Regarding my mission, I want to fly (solo or with my girlfriend) and have fun while doing it. Basically I want to add hours (200 per year approx) and not flying around my home time, want to take the advantage to do some long XC (between 1000NM and 1500NM). So speed is important, and ofcourse also economy is important (maintenance and fuel consumption). Honestly not super fan of flying at FL240, I would only do it for extra speed (or for avoiding weather). So M20J could be a good option (I assume less maintenance because it's NA) as long as I get from 170kt of a M20K to 150kt on a M20J. I'm not super familiar with the speeds, I couldn't find POH for them and in websites I get different readings.
  14. Thanks again for all the comments, very insightful! Regarding the airplane itself, first of all, I do have reserves in case something exceptional arise, but of course, if I end up spending 200k between the airplane and repairs on top, is not going to be what I expected. Although I could afford it, for 200k maybe I'd have looked for a newer Mooney for instance. The airplane has some things that are good: low time engine (factory new) nice avionics (GNS 530 and GTN 650) it had a "minor" prop strike back in 2013 and it seems to have been handled correctly (new prop, engine was sent back to the factory for inspection). Although the prop strike is not a nice thing it is good to see it was handled correctly and the entry logs are there. A few points of concern: The airplane was supposedly selling for a long time. While the airplane was "on sale" an avionics upgrades added GTN 650. The GTN 650 was installed less than 20 hours ago. The airplane was "under contract" two times in the last 2 months, and the deal was not closed. According to the seller due to issues of the candidate buyer (insurance related). The airplane has flown very little in the recent years: 250 hours in 10 years, 20 hours in the last year. The last compression check, two cylinders (4 and 5) drop to 64/80 from 77/80 100 hours before. My main doubt is, a good pre buy inspection would bring to light any major discrepancy or you can still get burnt even paying a thorough pre buy?
  15. Hi @McMooney, I'm actually based in KDWH. Or at least from there is where I usually rents. Do you have contact info for Brian? I try to Google him and couldn't find him.
  16. Thanks a lot for the quick replies! @toto, yes, I'm considering flying a lot initial with an instructor. My idea is to do the IFR rating on this airplane, so that would imply flying mostly with an instructor at the beginning. @Mooney Dog, I fly out of KDWH and that's one of the airports I'm considering as my base for my airplane. KLVJ would also be a good option, and maybe closer to where I live. I haven't flown a Mooney yet, I'm trying to find one here near Houston to rent with a flight instructor to give it a try. I won't buy an airplane I haven't fly.
  17. Hi all, how are you? This is my first post in the forum! I'm a private pilot with a little over 100 hours, I got my license in December 2020. I'm planning on start flying a lot (target 200 hours/year) and get my IFR license. Planning on getting my HP+Complex endorsement in the next weeks. I'm planning on buying an airplane (instead of renting) for economical purposes (due to the hours/year I'm planning to fly). I found a very nice M20K at a reasonable price (125k) here is the link to the listing. My question (apart of making sure that the aircraft seems to be reasonable priced) is if a M20K is a valid first plane or it is too complex/fast. I'm most of the time ahead of my airplane (I fly very basic Warrior II). Meaning always thinking what's coming next and preparing for it, for instance tuning the next radio on standby right after a frequency change, getting the weather in advance, etc. I also always use flight following. My main doubt is that with the Warrior my landings are quite lousy, many hard landings and I've read the a Mooney is not very forgiving of pilots mistakes. Oh, also I'm based on Houston (southwest). I haven't checked but I assume there are good Mooney APs around here. So what are your thoughts?
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