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redbaron1982 last won the day on January 9 2022

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  1. @CAV Ice might help
  2. That's odd. If that were from 100LL, I would expect to see some blue staining, but instead, there is some brown residue. It is disturbing that the same photos are in the PAFI document of Lessons Learned. Providing the source of these pictures could help clear up the confusion.
  3. What you have missing there is a Camloc. I don't know exactly the size for the M20R, taking a look at the IPC. You can get the Camlocs from Aircraft Spruce. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/categories/aircraft_parts/ap/menus/ha/fast_1camloc.html If you don't feel comfortable going through the Illustrated Part Catalog, I guess many here in MS or your AP could tell you which size you need.
  4. First, it was a joke. Second, it's a bit different. Why the insurance companies don't start to randomly audit roof repair claims instead of just raising premiums? I'm sure that with all the data available today is quite easy to score the likelihood of a roof repair claim being a fraud. In my neighborhood most, if not the repairs, happened not after a hurricane or storm. So how come that a 10 year roof, without any natural event such as hail or destructive winds needs repair? How comes that it needs to be completely replaced? It's funny some roof with real damage were repaired rather than completely replaced.
  5. I hope they do the same here in Texas too (I mean, the law). Home insurance prices went through the roof. In the last year, I think at least 5% of the neighborhood houses changed their roof when it was perfectly fine (all 10-year-old houses). I told my wife, that if the insurance doesn´t go down or, at least, stay the same, we will also contact one of this roof companies and at least get some many back.
  6. Yeah, that's correct. It happens with a lot of services nowadays: Mooneyspace for starter, airnav.com, skyvector, google, gmail, etc. I think free doesn't equate to "they are somehow stealing from you"... I'm not advocating for Foreflight insurance fair price tool, though.
  7. They do ask some of this information (like how much coverage you have, or if it is hangared or not). Having said that, I'm sure it is not including all the small details (like emergency landings without damage to the airplane). I agree that Foreflight most likely has a business that needs this information. As long as it results in lower insurance prices, I'm ok with that.
  8. Hey, have you guys seen ths? https://blog.foreflight.com/2025/01/21/foreflights-insurance-fair-price-tool-brings-transparency-to-aircraft-insurance/ It looks a nice tool. In my case, is telling me that I'm paying above the normal range.
  9. So can I shoot down a drone that's lower than 300ft? From time to time we get roofing companies here with drones flying 20ft above my home taking pictures.
  10. As I read this, I remembered the guy who hung the Mooney in the high-voltage transmission lines. I guess not everyone gets wiser or more risk-averse with age.
  11. You're absolutely right. There are risk factors that you don't want to stack together against you: night, IMC, single-engine, single-pilot, mountainous terrain, icing. Can you successfully make an XC flight in IMC, at night, single-pilot in a single-engine airplane, in icing conditions, in mountainous terrain? I bet you can. Is it wise or safe? I'm sure it is not.
  12. You might be the first one with an autoland M20J... otherwise I do find the transition to visual at the end of instrument approach more challenging at night. And not to mention having an engine failure with the ceiling at 500ft and dark below... Dark = more dangerous IMC = more dangerous Dark + IMC = much more dangerous I'm not saying it is unsafe, but you're stacking your odds against you.
  13. Yeah, that's absolutely right. When I did my Night XC during my PPL training it was scattered and you could only tell there were clouds because the dark holes from the city lights.
  14. From a practical point of view, Night VMC can be as bad as IMC. I think the US is one of the few countries in the world that doesn't require special training to fly at night. I wouldn't be mad if they change the regs and make Night VFR a special endorsement. Although you might not require the procedural part of IFR training, at least for sure you need to be able to aviate and navigate using the instruments.
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