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    Anything aviation
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    1975 M20F 1567tt
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  1. Miss a day on mooneyspace you miss a lot!
  2. Ok which one of you flew over Area 51 and survived?
  3. Please tell me where I can get a paint job for those prices!!
  4. someone please tell me the reason the pics don't upload correctly, do I need to pre-rotate them before upload?
  5. Here is my Hobo freight stand in action
  6. I missed those?! has anyone had success with the universal probes?
  7. They are higher priced than straight from JPI
  8. sage advice but if there is an alternative I would like to hear about it
  9. I saw in some old posts that overnightsupply.com had reasonably priced probes, alas the website is no longer there? Does anyone have a CB source for K style CHT/EGT probes? I need four of each and they are quite pricey!
  10. I went with Eric J’s hobo freight 1000# furniture dolly and have scrounged 400#s of solid block i am using 4 3/8 aircraft cables anchored to a 4/4 oak block mounted under the dolly cost me all of 35.00 dollars
  11. Greetings fellow enthusiasts does anyone have a good tail stand/weight design they would share?
  12. @AH-1 Cobra Pilot This gentleman will 3d print you a new plastic cover for a modest fee
  13. Texas Air Salvage claims to have one give them a call https://www.texasairsalvage.com/main_list.php?a=search&SearchFor=340124-919
  14. I'm fairly certain I uploaded the service manual to Mooneyspace previously Lycoming O-360 service manual.pdf
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