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Bryan G

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  1. Flightstream is my favorite with the 430w, my phone and iPad seamlessly connect back and forth. It’s really nice IFR when you’re cleared to a waypoint, adjust on your iPad and it loads up to the panel. And when you edit your route in the 430 (direct to, etc) it sends the update to your linked devices. -275 stack isn’t much more expensive, worth it for the look and performance. I highly recommend a discrete switch for both reversionary and a physical toggle switch for GPSS/HDG modes of the autopilot!
  2. Who covered it for you, did you lose much UL?
  3. I did it myself, I used the remaining Jaeger Aviation spatial interior plastic repair kit. 3M Ez Sand Epoxy and aluminum/acrylic tape patch material, heat gun, dremel, and sand paper. I used the vertical piece that I cut away as a plastic piece to fill the void.
  4. I had a MSC install with the single piece back windows and new from side windows, they fit well and was worth the money. I went with dark gray for the back windows and solar gray for the front. I removed the old plastic trim and fabricated them together, you would never know it didn’t come like this. Make sure you label all the metal tabs that the plastics attach to, the shop labeled them but installed some upside down which was a pain to fix.
  5. I had a high oil consumption all of the sudden, shop pulled the bottom plugs and my #4 was covered in oil. They also borescoped, but that’s how they knew which one. Stuck oil ring, repaired at LyCon and it’s running great again. Of note, all my cylinders were 76+ compression. #4 was 78/80 with the stuck ring and high oil consumption.
  6. Thanks for the help everyone, life has been a little busy but I was able to make the adjustment and it tracks great!
  7. I bet you pick up a couple knots if you were able to hide the antennas! I’m curious if you have a 3 way speed test from before that you can compare to.
  8. Thanks @Ragsf15e that was quick, I’ll give it a look later this week!
  9. Hello everyone, My STEC-30 with alt hold and GPSS has always worked great, but it never keeps my Mooney perfectly on track. It doesn’t wander, it just holds a slight offset. Flies perfectly straight from A to B, just ever so slightly off. As soon as I engage GPSS, it flies to this deviation from on course to slightly off. Any ideas? Thanks, Bryan
  10. The 430 and the SL30 display glide slope on both the ADI and the HSI, it’s incredibly easy to shoot approaches.
  11. Shipping plus…$20 for the pair?
  12. Sorry I didn’t reply earlier- it was a busy week. Someone asked for it offline as a replacement in their airplane, so (fortunately) it can’t be a paperweight.
  13. ARI cowl Mod gave my Mooney a modern look and about 5 MPH. Here’s the breakdown: Used (like new) Polished 201 spinner with 5 hrs on it from eBay, listed $2k. Got it for $1032 shipped Top Gun labor: 11.5 hours, 135/hr: $1587.72 Finishing and painting: 7.5 hours/$60 in materials: $1103 Total: $5035 I also went with the single tinted piece rear windows, all side windows were about $1500 plus another 12 hours install. No speed gain, but it looks very close to a J and the view is fantastic from the back seat. I wanted to do the single piece sloped windshield, but you’re looking at $10k between parts and labor.
  14. FP/MP - $200 VSI (sold)- Free, plus S&H ST-901 GPSS (sold) - $300 Sigma Tek 5000B-36 - $200 The AI worked when removed, but last annual the MSC said it “bounced a bit” during start up. Light bezel included.
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