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  1. I would just check the A/FD and see if it says “no ngt opps” in the remarks.
  2. I always lock the luggage door on my way into the plane. So far that hasn’t popped open on me… now if I could find a way to remember to close the oil trap door on the cowling before I put my seatbelt on I’ll be in good shape.
  3. I have a bravo with fiki. I burn 18th at all altitudes. That’s at 30/2300 power setting. I don’t plan longer than 4hrs wheels up to wheels down. I’ve gone as far as El Paso from Wast coast of PA. Great plane for all of that but yes, quite thirsty… and I haven’t explored LOP yet to get GPH down to 14 as some others have been able to do comfortably. Haven’t gone over the Rockies yet but do have the mask on board just incase I have to opportunity to do that. Like you I have clients all over US and that is one of the reasons I selected the Bravo. FIKI is worth its weight in gold…. But I have also left her behind to fly commercial a few times!
  4. In flight 1 bottle water and some sort of trail mix pack, ox boost bottle, travel John. Then the Just-in-Case bag… tool kit, extra water bottle, first aid kit, and depending on area and weather, some sort of clothing/jacket.
  5. Like @Fritz1 mine point slightly down on the Bravo. All the rigging and trim is good so I think nothing of it. First time I noticed it I tried playing around with the trim… ended up being a waste of time. It seems to change slightly depending on weight and balance and speed but only slightly.
  6. This started with “77F how do you hear?” While he was on final? So I think it’s possible the controller was having communication issues with this aircraft. I’m sure we have all been asked to “expedite” this or “without delay” that but the pilot of 77F seemed to be having trouble. The following aircraft’s “come on!” was unnecessary and as was the follow up statement about giving anyone a license.
  7. @Schllc I think I bought the one you looked at a few years back. I went through 9 months down with the rebuild plus a few more months while working out some other items that popped up. The overhaul cost was no where near what it is today. Still I hated downtime then but now looking back I’m glad I did it. If you’re concerned about the downtime and want to wait for another one to come on the market you may be in the same position you are now. Finances aside, to me it was well worth it.
  8. Assuming everything works properly I would follow the POH
  9. Flying home from Nantucket yesterday through NY airspace. ATC had me turn 70degrees right of course then back direct to my fix before joining my airway. This occurred prior to descending to 6000 and getting behind another aircraft which I was sequenced in about 7.5 miles behind. Ok no problem. Then this happens… ATC: Cirrus what’s your airspeed? Mooney what’s your airspeed? Hey Mooney could you do me a favor and slow down a little? I complied but wanted to say Mooney reducing speed for bragging rights… Oh it’s the little victories in life.
  10. Finance only when money is cheap and/or if you have to… I used Banterra.
  11. I have a similar issue. I think my float has a leak in it and is allowing fluid inside. If I fill it all the way the meter starts to go down, when about half full it seems to be accurate. it will also change during long climbs and slowly correct when back at level flight.
  12. My turns are so perfect the fuels thinks it’s in level flight
  13. I’m going on memory here but I think my POH says aircraft has not been tested for takeoffs using less than 15gal per wing. I’ve landed with less than 10 in each but I don’t think I’d try to takeoff with that amount. When I get below 15 in either wing my master warning comes on.
  14. I usually like a cruise setting of 30”/2300. With a FF of about 18. Motor runs smooth, temps where they should be and at 16-17k I am at about 178-184ktas. I climb to this alt at 34/2400 full rich and between 500-700fpm unless ATC asks for better. Where I run into my issue is once I level off and start pulling the MP back it will drop abruptly. I start very slowly with this process. But the drop is so significant you get a brief feeling you are losing power. The drop may go from 32-23 in a second or two. So I start increasing MP , again slowly. It will hover at about 27-28 then jump back to 33-34. This process of corrections takes a while. And if a jump occurs when I am busy with another task my temps creep up on me. I use mouse milk on the waste gate but this seems to occur much more frequently than it should. Does this sound like a Wastegate issue, or could this be an actual turbo issue? I would think a turbo issue wouldn’t be sporadic like this. Anyone else experience this?
  15. I was on a flight from Tokyo to NY several years back. We flew straight across rather than over and made the trip in 10 hrs.
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