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Super Phreek

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    Mooney M20C

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  1. Good Evening, If this is available, I will take it. Please let me know. Derek
  2. Interestingly, there is a local guy who regularly ships aircraft via containers. A few months ago, he shipped a long body. He had to pull the wing due to width of the container. He met the airplane on the other side to reassemble it. Lately, he has been shipping a lot of Icons
  3. I had to replace one of shock tower bolts (914003-501), I ended up going the salvage route. I think they were like thirty bucks a piece.
  4. The original part numbers are available through aircraft spruce.
  5. When I replaced the donuts on my C, I was able to leave the lower bolt in place. The donuts just slid off with only the top bolt removed. Make sure your tanks are full to get compression on the new donuts. Derek
  6. Matt, You Rock, Sent you a message. Thanks, Derek
  7. Matt, I am interested, can you send me a photo? Thanks, Derek
  8. Merry Christmas I am going to resurrect this thread as I am looking for a Mp/FP Gauge for my 69 M20c. Can anybody help? Thanks, Derek
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