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Everything posted by Jonny

  1. Hi Folks - To those asking if Mooney is still a "Thing" I can assure you that we are unequivocally a "Thing." In fact, I would venture to say we are more than a "Thing," we are like a "Super Thing!" You'll continue to get your parts, you'll get customer service and I'm hopeful you'll get new planes one day. We're working on it and we're getting there. I'm running the place so I can say all this with confidence and I'm hopeful that in the near future, we'll graduate from being a "Thing" to being "An aviation company you can be proud of again!" Safe flying! More good things to come! Jonny
  2. Thanks for sharing this video. I've spoken to the CEO of Pipistrell and I plan to fly the Panthera. They've done a remarkable job with this plane, but until you actually fly a plane, you just don't know it it lives up to the hype. What I know about the Mooney is that its efficiency comes in a solid frame that has a slow roll rate making it really stable platform for IFR . All I can say is that we are looking at all these models and evaluating.
  3. Hi Hank - I spoke to our parts dept. We do in fact manufacture these but the model numbers are different for the older models. Have you been in touch with a Mooney service Center? They should be able to order them for you. Jonny
  4. Hi Hank - Happy to ask our parts dept. Stand by! Jonny
  5. Appreciate that. They're expensive and there is a minimum order so the more orders, the less we're out of pocket in advance. We ordered at least 20 so they should be out there soon.
  6. Hey! In fact, I'm well aware. We don't manufacture these, they come from a third party manufacturer. They have been on back order and I literally heard today that we're getting close. Please stand by, I am on top of this! Jonny
  7. Hey JT! I wanted to thank you for your kind note and words of encouragement. In fact, I located this post on my own a while back and meant to respond but as you can imagine it was easy to get sidetracked. So please accept my apology for the long delay. To your point, I think it's important that the Mooney Community have access to the company. As a Mooney owner I never felt a connection to the company even though I relied on the engineers, metal workers, electricians and other artisans every time I turned the key in my 201 or Acclaim. I'd like to change that dynamic and as you've probably gleaned from my interviews, reconnecting to the Mooney Community is a priority. In the coming weeks we'll be building out a new website and it will allow me to communicate with Mooney owners and advocates more directly. Eventually, the site will also invite participation from the Mooney Community so everyone can have more of a seat at the table so to speak. As you correctly pointed out, we're working to get over this "first hill." I'd be dishonest if I told you it was easy. There is a reason Mooney finds itself in the position it's in and it will take an awful lot of work to undo some of that and get us going in the right direction. But the one thing I am confident of is that Mooney is still the best single engine piston out there and always will be. "Like flying a Ferrari in the sky" I like to say. That reputation still has some gas in the tank and I promise to do my best so that Mooney can rise again. In the meantime, we'll keep the parts going and look to offer improvements to the fleet. I probably won't have time to respond to all the questions and suggestions I expect will be posted, but I promise, I will read each and every one. Thanks again, JT Best, Jonny Pollack
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