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About Pissed_'Ole_Pete

  • Birthday October 15

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  1. As far as LOP ops, See Lycoming part number 60297-23P.pdf . Chapter 3. My home airport is at 5100 feet, my "second Home" is at 7300 feet, and to go many places I like, my MCA is 13000
  2. was a member before I got my bravo. A lot of ex-spurts (dried up 'drips under pressure') put me off. went away for 3 years, during which I bought and flew my bravo for 300 + hours, including participation in a MAPA PPP the year after my purchase. Participated in ALL my annuals, asked a million questions on engine operation, a trusted A&P A/I who does my annuals indicated that LOP operations of a Lycoming TIO 540 AF 1B is NOT approved. Running my engine as he recommends has resulted in compressions of 5 cylinders at 79/80 and one at 78/80 for each of my annuals on my 700 + hr engine, I fly @ 70% power, getting 196-197 KCAS, burning 17.6 gph. My short flights are typicly 1.5 hrs on the hobbs, and average flights are in the 3-5 hrs range. (I fly with an Air Care Alliance Group, and I try for a mission a month). if there is anything else I can add, Just ASK.
  3. If you are running LOP, you are operating your engine outside Lycoming's specifications. You are in fact voiding your warantee
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