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About skyrioca

  • Birthday 10/22/1965

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  • Model
    M20K 231

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  1. I just found this on eBay, they have 4 available. https://www.ebay.com/itm/116246401973?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_Bu8VSATQ9m&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=iPbU4fjgQU6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Oh no. That was the main reason I was thinking of buy one. thanks for let me know
  3. I was able to download and open the file, but this copy we can’t search for anything.
  4. Is anyone have the M20K IPC Manual available to share? Thank you.
  5. Thank you N231BN I have the same file, the problem with it is that we can’t print a large copy of the schematic, It needs to be there original wiring diagram in PDF. I am sure someone here have one. I’ll keeping trying. thanks a lot.
  6. Hi thinwing I am looking for my M20K 1981 sn 25-0545 wiring schematic as weel, I really appreciate it if you can share it with me. Thank you
  7. https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/4147179/M20_88A.pdf
  8. I am a new Mooney owner M20K model I noticed two times that my electric trim was getting stuck on nose up position after landing , one of the time was during a touch and go, after I realized that I was unable use my electric trim, I had basically to decrease power and deal with the yoke pushing nose down until trim with the wheel trim which was also stuck. It was a bit scare since I have only 10 hours in a Mooney, the CFII that I am training with was asking to keep the power up without knowing what was happening. everything happened too fast, I was trying to tell him and fly the airplane at the same time. This just happened last week
  9. I sent them a message, Thank you.
  10. I am looking for any information or recommendation from a Mooney owner that had his/her airplane interior or a new paint job done. I found a couple of places and got different estimated costs, but nothing more important than a customer satisfaction report and recommendations. I appreciate any help.
  11. I am in Baltimore, MD and I am looking for a CFII with a substantial amount of experience with a M20K 231 Turbo to train me how to fly this airplane the right way. If you are not local but have the experience that I am looking for, I can fly and meet you for a couple of days to learn what I need to fly this airplane correctly.
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