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    Central Massachusetts
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    Aerostar M20E
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  1. This is me in a nutshell, if I am not upfront, I am in a world of hurt.
  2. I have 2 GTSIO-520-C20 engines for sale with props. Would be interesting on an L model.
  3. All I am going to say at this point is that I have learned a lot. Additionally, if you're interested in making your Mooney(or radial powered airplane) perfect, I highly recommend Mike at Round Power Aviation in Orange, Ma.
  4. Not presently a problem.
  5. Presently living in a sea of part numbers and copied the wrong one: 740156-003 False alarm on the bushing, Clarence already helped me track those down.
  6. This is the boot that goes over the trim jack screw. 914081-003
  7. My effort to locate a trim duct/boot for an E model has come up with nothing, only to be told they are on backorder indefinitely. Has anyone come up with an alternative like scat hose?
  8. If you haven't done it all ready, gap seals and gear rigging are good ones to take a look at.
  9. They are the bushings which the tail pivots on. They are also not just a regular bushing but rather a steel bushing which is over machined and then chrome plated back up to final dimension.
  10. I am on the hunt for 2x 914081-003, Mooney has a 14 week lead time, once approved, and I have been waiting for approval since July. Anyone happen to have a set or have an idea on where to source them?
  11. The GI-275 removes the need for a GAD 13 and GAD 29B which can simplify some of the install. I have dual G5s and dual GI-275s, one MFD and one EIS. If I could have times things differently, I would have gone all GI-275s.
  12. I don't know if this will help but I received this from Mooney trying to hunt down my own issues.
  13. Refocusing, I am looking for shop recommendations in the northeast beyond just airmods which is the only shop I am really familiar with. Any recommendations?
  14. The paint on the "new wing" matched close enough to the fuselage. No paint required. I want to be clear, I do not believe DMAX did the "repair" but I am disappointed they did not find it.
  15. Actually, the wing came without navlights, DMAX purchased and installed Orion 650s (without approval) So they absolutely had the ability to look inside the wing in this area. My experience with DMax has been extremely poor. They had the airplane for a little over 8 months with almost no communications. They sent us the invoice when complete with a bunch of work we did not approve of(Replacing an INOP AI when I had purchased G5s to replace the AI, installing Orion navs when I had purchased some already ready to install them when the airplane returned, not so much of a complaint but lack of communication is frustrating). When we got the airplane back the plane was a mess, dirt and wasps nest all over the interior, stall warning horn did not work, gear warning horn was not connected, pitot head was not connected. The Orion sync wire was shorting to airframe ground. Our nice tow bar was not in the airplane and the tow bar they replaced it with was no where near as nice. My new IA is now rerigging the gear that DMAX installed, so the hole in the wing is just insult to injury at this point.
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