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Matt Hall

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  1. Also couple questions about the travel boards. Are they model specific? Also how does one go about renting them? Are they for all control surfaces or only certain ones?
  2. Not sure I’m going to try tomorrow morning will report back!
  3. Wow this was great thanks!!!
  4. We’ve played with the control rods of the ailerons a little bit because they seemed like they were not symmetrical in cruise so at this point it would be hard to take the corrections out because there has been numerous. Having said that, controls are centered on ground with ailerons in neutral position and in cruise as long as I’m applying left rudder pressure the controls are centered to fly in a straight line…..does that make sense? Make it easier to diagnose whether rudder or aileron is my root cause
  5. Good idea on paint shops being savvy with balance!
  6. Not sure if this would work because when I let go of left rudder pressure in cruise, the controls still try to turn right, thus starting a right bank. I know the flaps could help but I think the fact that the controls are turning when I let go of rudder and they are interconnected means I need to mess with one of them but it’s hard to figure out which one :-(
  7. Also I have noticed that with the gear down at slower speeds the roll is relatively non existent! I’ve heard of travel boards but don’t know much more than they’re hard to find. Any insight on how to get a set?
  8. I know this has been posted before but to save myself the countless hours of searching looking for the right information I was hoping someone could give some advice on where to start! I have a 1962 M20C (no wing leveler) and in cruise it require a slight amount (although annoying) of left rudder pressure to keep ball centered and wings level. If I let off the left rudder pressure the plane immediately starts banking to the right and ball stays relatively in the same position which is what puzzles me. As the controls turn right and the plane banks right it’s almost like it’s flying coordinated by itself but now in a right roll. This has been an ongoing issue and my mechanic and I have adjusted the amount of turns on the aileron control rod to adjust the deflection which has helped improve the rate of the turn to the right. Additionally I have adjusted the rudder trim tab to the right (to deflect to the left in cruise) not sure if this helped or hindered the situation. The ailerons looks relatively level using my mark 1 eyeball on the ground and in cruise. When left rudder is released the yoke starts to turn to the right inducing the right roll. When the ball is centered with left rudder pressure the control yoke is relatively center to keep the wings level. So my question is do you think the root cause is the rudder trim, as in I need more right trim tab deflection so that I can raise my foot off the pedals in straight and level and this will cure the roll because the ailerons and rudder are connected or is the problem somewhere else in the rigging. I know this is hard to diagnose over the internet but curious what the group thinks!
  9. Do You have the door hold open arm by any chance?
  10. No cracks in the fiberglass???
  11. Still available?
  12. Do you still have the door hold open arm ? Matt Hall 248-675-9912
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