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    KFCI, Richmond, VA

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  1. Sounds like you need a ferry permit regardless, Byerly in Peoria, IL is a large shop and MSC, Oasis in Wilmar MN is excellent, Weber in Lancaster PA is a well established MSC, better make some phone calls on Monday quick, spring is in the air, I keep fingers crossed!
  2. Nothing wrong at first glance, call the dealer and get the logs, you will find out why the price is that low
  3. as stated multiple times minimums above what is written in the approach plates and in the POH are personal and evolve dynamically, now and then I fly for business, what has always helped me is a simple time buffer, if my meeting is in the morning I fly the day before, and start running weather forecasts 2-3 days before I actually fly. I am fortunate enough in that most of my work is done through the internet or over the phone, so another night in a hotel is not that inconvenient. I dread the situation where I have to make a landing to make an appointment, sticking that landing because the mail has to come through is a job for people who fly for a living, as private pilots we have the luxury to bail out if and when things just don't look right, live an fly another day
  4. I operate in a similar way, aircraft runs off a 530W that displays ADSB traffic and weather, 796 has XM weather and Jeppesen approach plates, I wish the XM had a future radar function, 15min forecast for close to real time weather and 2h forecast for planning, this is already on the weather channel, I have WX 500 have not learnt how to really use it, probably stay too far away from lighting so unable to determine how accurate it really is
  5. I feel your pain, there is a steep learning curve in having an airplane painted, after the third one you have a general idea how to get it done, after 10 of them you really get good at it, kinda like building houses, my hunch is that painting a single without cutting corners takes about 3 months and will cost about $40k, with fancy graphics even more, I got the Bravo painted 5 years ago and if I never have to get an airplane painted again I will be quite happy. Brian Kendrick might know a good place in TX.
  6. No specific reason against the Acclaim, lots of advantages, however the Lycoming cylinder is better suited for turbocharging and lasts longer, that was the deciding factor for me, everybody has different priorities, the last Bravo was built in 06, last Acclaim was built in 19, so the airframes are newer
  7. The Lycoming TIO-540 AF1B has sodium filled exhaust valves and oil cooled exhaust valve guides, more thermal reserves than the conti, however the last new one was built 20 years ago, conti has a better induction system and runs LOP more easily, the million $ question is how these two turbo engines will fare when avgas disappears some time in the next 10 years, time will tell
  8. They are both excellent airplanes, 100 gal of fuel and TKS tank full they carry one guy and a briefcase, so they are two person airplanes at best, Bravo shines in the flight levels going east, we have done GPS direct many times from the Chicago area to our home on the east coast 190 Kt TAS and 260-280 over the ground, the TKS is invaluable if you fly in the mountains in winter
  9. Asked myself exactly the same question before I bought the Bravo 7 years ago, the Acclaim is faster, better cowl, better propeller and newer, the G1000 limits your upgrade or modification options, most important question to ask yourself is whether you want to fly behind a conti or a lycoming, semi religious question like Chevy versus Ford or Beemer versus merc, you will find the answer talking to mechanics and overhaul shops that work on these engines, enjoy the journey!
  10. To my best recollection this STC was held by modworks in punta Gorda and they were wiped out by a hurricane in the early 2000s, STC stuck somewhere in a bankruptcy unless somebody extracted it, somebody more knowledgeable will chime in
  11. speed brakes are simple and effective, once your speed is where you want it to be retract them or put the gear down, my airplane has TKS and will not reach Va at 20/20 in horizontal flight, yours is exceptionally fast
  12. Western Skyways in Colorado is another conti overhauler
  13. Convoluted indeed, you have a core that has at least a good throttle body and want to purchase a rebuilt engine, call another conti dealer, call an overhauler like firewall forward, and last not least call the office of the president of Teledyne Continental, you are a customer and want to buy something, demand to speak to the office manager or chief of staff, get the name of the president, fire off a succinct letter via email and fax, letter to the president can't be swept under the rug, it will trickle down in the organization and you will have an answer in no time
  14. my gear warning comes on at about 19", this feels about right, I will not go below that power setting in a descent unless gear is down, you want to avoid the engine driving the propeller, the gear warning is a good reminder, at 19" the engine is still putting power into the propeller in a 500-750 ft/min descent with the gear up
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