Welcome KJC,
Former Army aviator fixed/rotor. I love my 67 C. My kids are a little smaller 5&1. We primarily travel the southeast and I use the plane to commute to work. Very efficient. Also fun around the pattern and local area. Airplane expenses creep up on you quickly and the affordable C model helps you keep that in check. You’re going to want to upgrade any plane you buy...guaranteed. So be ready to spend a little on your first annual as your IA gets to know your plane and then you’ll want to consider adding options like GPS, AP, engine monitor, digital AI, shoulder harnesses, etc. I hear people say that spending this money on a C is a waste. I disagree. The C is a very efficient platform...not many airplanes can check all the boxes that a C model can check. In my humble opinion it’s the total cost you’ll spend on the plane that matters and that is purchase price plus upgrades, maintenance, insurance, hangar, etc. I think the market is waking up to that and people are willing to pay for an efficient plane that has good tech so I think the likelihood of losing money on a C is getting slimmer daily. Certainly the other perspectives listed here are valid. It all depends on you, your mission and your budget but I think the C is an excellent choice. Find a good one, upgrade it, enjoy it. Good luck!!
Edit: Just to give you a sense for size and comfort. This was us a few weeks ago on a three day trip to Gatlinburg, TN from Greenville, SC. I’m 6’3”, 220lbs, we were all comfortable and nowhere near gross and we had more room for luggage. 50 min flight. MUCH better than the 3-4 hour drive. I probably wouldn’t want to fly this for more than 5-6 hours but that will get you a long way.