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  1. Yep. Makes sense. Is your beacon on the separate circuit or connected directly to the master bus bar without the separate breaker? My original setup is only belly strobe. No wingtip or tail strobes.
  2. Thank you. I will keep the tail wiring in case if I will decide to reintroduce the belly beacon like Aveo that you wisely mentioned (thank you for that).
  3. Sorry for bringing this thread from the dead, but my question is similar to above. So I decide to keep this topi contained in one thread. Background: My belly strobe is on the last leg. I have installed wingtip Uavionix SkyBeacon (ADSB-Out/Nav Light/Strobe) that has strobe capability, but not connected. Plan: I thought that I should install Uavionix SkySensor (ADSB-IN/Nav Light/Strobe) on the another wingtip, and wire both wingtip Uavionix devices' strobe lights to the now defunct beacon breaker/switch. Once done, the belly beacon will be removed. Regs: It seems that regs only require one anti-collision device (beacon or strobes) for post-1996 installation. Questions: 1. Is this legal? 2. Will AP/IA signature suffice for this kind of the alteration?
  4. What year? How much for the nose wheel? Is engine IO360A1A?
  5. I build this monstrosity to pump the brakes from calipers up. Seems like it worked.
  6. Thank you, Cliffy. Over the years I greatly benefited from your advice, but today I'm a little hurt. It seems that you didn't read me specifically saying that I want to use this procedure for troubleshooting only. Rest assure, no take off will be conducted. I'm still renovating to prepare my plane for an annual, brother.
  7. Your photo #5. I'm looking for one for my 67F as a spare for the future overhaul
  8. HI, How much for the nose gear?
  9. Wow, secret pages of SMM! Actually first time seeing this drawing after fours years of staring at them. I had no idea that there is a supplement
  10. Thank you! Mine is 1967 as opposed to 1969 above.
  11. I asked my AP about spare battery, but no joy. Starter solenoid seems fine.
  12. My battery is on Battery Minder the entire time that it is sitting. My Concorde is just old and tired, so I will be replacing it. BUT I wanted to make sure it is only battery that I'm having a problem with.
  13. Yes, strange. I was under impression that one pin (Piper style) is a standard for pre-J Mooneys...
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