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  1. Might be the first person I e ever heard say that. That said, I have the type S and never felt any need to get the etc.
  2. Ultra or M20TN? Mine is a 2008 and it’s chromated.
  3. I did them myself first time. Its not difficult work, but as the other posts indicate it can be tedious. The hoses also can be sticky to pull off the hardware if this is the first time they are coming off. Just take your time and have patience. The intercoolers also have relatively thin flanges on the base for mounting hardware--be sure to carefully ease them out of place so you don't bend those.
  4. I am pretty sure I had to remove the intercooler to get to them. I had the shop install screws that you can access from the TOP of the intercooler so that it is a much easier job moving forward. Def have to take it off to get to the injectors...
  5. My acclaim is placarded at 110kts for flaps
  6. I have had issues with the magnetometer saying it needs to be recalibrated which I did. Is that the smoking gun? Anyway to validate magnetometer?
  7. Ok folks. I now have the exact issue described. Lose heading…red X over GDL90. No traffic, synthetic vision. It comes back on and then goes back off. Happened maybe 4-5 times in a 3.5hr flight. Did anyone sort out the issue? I did recalibrate the magnetometer and it said the calibration worked…I did this prior to the flight described above.
  8. That is a crazy scenario for sure. If you were indicating that the freezing point is -57c for a gas but you were flying at -32c why would you think the gas was frozen?
  9. Wow. I’d like this too. I’ve never even had one…have all the Mooney shop manuals of anyone needs those.
  10. Same. I’m right around high 1500’sto just at 1600. Saavy told me it’s ok if 1600 and below.
  11. I think i have a similar issue. Diodes in the alternator are being looked at. Supposedly a bad alternator causes the slightly low voltage.
  12. I’m usually flying 12.5k and above. I normally cruise at 27/2400 and 50ish LOP and get 14.7gph.
  13. These numbers match pretty close to what I get as well. When LOP I usually fly at 27' 2400 and get around 14.7 GPH in cruise.
  14. Update to this thread: Universal Composites will NOT be making any more cowls after mine. The mold is basically shot after baking my cowl and they will be retiring it. In fact, once we fully uncrated the cowl they sent, it had a number of defects from the old mold that just can't be fully worked out. Mooney quotes $18k for a new lower cowl...with no timeframe for delivery. No clue where they would source that now.
  15. Take the belly pan off. Clean all the excess drips up. Run the system and look at loose union joints. On mine that is where I’d get occasional leaks from.
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