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Florian Guthardt

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About Florian Guthardt

  • Birthday 01/03/1982

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  1. Did they really get the new servo mounts approved yet? on their download section it is still the old 2023 drawings where some mods are required. Not a big deal but most shops are refusing to modify the install... We tried to be as close to the manual on our M20F as possible, still some mods were required (Roll servo rod shortening, roll servo bracket trimming, modifying installation of aft brackets of Pitch Installation, relocating servo on the C-Channel 1/2 inch further forward to ensure proper control travel)
  2. 8300-086-Vizion-380-385-Series-Installation-Manual.pdf See from Page 25 of attached Experimental install manual (the description is not in the vcertified version but works the same): SkyView CDI SRC determines lateral actions of autopilot. a. No selection will have the autopilot follow the heading bug of the SkyView. (Fig 2) b. Selecting SKYVIEW or the external device (EXAMPLE: GNS430) will follow the flight plan programmed either internally or on the external device. (Fig 3) c. Selecting LOC/VOR/ILS will have the autopilot follow the heading bug Note: Upon entering the SkyView mode, the Vizion will automatically grab the current heading bug, altitude bug, and vertical speed bug being output by the SkyView. If the SkyView is showing a flight plan on the CDI, the Vizion will enter GPS mode. 8300-086-Vizion-380-385-Series-Installation-Manual.pdf
  3. Hi Cliffy - actually the Aerocruze WILL follow the Dynon heading bug - you just have to DE-select any Source like Skyview or external GPS on the HSI then it will follow selected heading in skyview mode! Works pretty good on ours!
  4. On the photo in flight it looks like the red light for gear up is not on - it should be always when the gear ist up ( at least on the earlier models -TBC) maybe gear does not go all the way up in flight even if it does on ground on jacks?
  5. Are the revised drawings approved now? On the F the original drawings worked with minor modifications- I actually had quite quick replies and support from Duncan…
  6. Didn’t they send you the alternate installation drawings? Those require some mods and possible DER approval but should work?
  7. Just checked back with Duncan - no roll servo mod required on the short body Mooneys however there is a pitch servo install mod required - waiting for approval from them to share details
  8. Short body needs the pushrod and bracket of the roll servo modified as far as I got the information- they already have the STC revision underway - you can order with Duncan on your own risk and a DER needs to do the approval of the mod or you can wait till the STC revision is done. On our M20F there needs to be a mod on the pitch bracket so we ordered at our risk - from what we have seen so far there is a chance the STC drawings will actually work on the M20F ( on the J and K they are not working) but we will know when the kit is on hand ( expected delivery next week - they sent it out already)
  9. They got an STC approval for all M20s but found only Long Bodys to actually work. Short bodies need a roll servo install mod while mid bodies require a pitch servo modification . The STC revision will take some time but you can do the modifications on your own risk using a DER - for those willing to do so they are now shipping install kits as well as for long bodies …
  10. Phantastic! Thank you so much for your help! All the best, Florian
  11. Hi Jeff, Thank you so much - that’s what I was expecting- a picture would still be awesome as I promised to send one to Duncan/BK - they need to verify the G model is identical to the F model before doing the STC revision for the Aerocruze Autopilot. Hopefully this will ship soon so we have an alternative there! All the best, Florian
  12. Thank you so much for your help! All the best, Florian
  13. Did you have a chance to take this picture? Would help to get the Aerocruze approved for the vintage Mooney‘s
  14. Let’s see when the parts finally arrive - actually we might re-use the green and red tubing for wire routings - let’s see. We plan to document the install step by step to encourage others to do this ! Looking at the installa Instructions the design is pretty simple and straightforward!
  15. We currently are waiting for a BK AeroCruze kit. There are some modifications needed. To identify possible differences between M20F and M20G ( most probably they are identical but without picture hard to tell) we would need a picture of the area below the baggage compartment looking aft with belly skin removed. The area around the elevator control tube cutout ( RHD side of fuselage ) is interesting - I have added a pic of our 1967 F. Can anyone help with a picture in same / similar angle of a M20G? Thanks in advance, Florian
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