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    San Luis Obispo, CA
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    1966 M20E

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  1. Quick update here: After waiting on a few parts, the annual is almost complete and I've added the most-recent Blackstone oil analysis report to the link above with the log books. From the report: "Nice results for N6688R!" I'll be posting the initial 'Free' ad on Barnstormers today. After the annual is complete, I'll take more photos and add them to the links/ads accordingly. Thanks for all the encouragement so far!
  2. Thanks @ilovecornfields & @MooneyMitch! Harry still has his sense of humor and health at 102! Photos of the logbooks have been added to the link above. I've included all 3 airframe logs, and the latest prop and engine log. All 337s and other history is available for a potential buyer to review on-site, and I've included quick snapshots of the aircrafts documents binder as a reference. I still have not advertised this anywhere but Mooneyspace yet. Following the annual, I'll have updated photos of the plane and will be posting on the other major sites.
  3. Hi All, Coming to market is an outstanding, fast 1964 E model. This aircraft has been owned by a two pilot family since 1976 (One a WWII fighter pilot and the other a long-time Fed Ex captain) and has been very well cared for. It is in excellent shape mechanically and has a basic IFR-capable panel. In 2020, the owner Harry Moyer set the Guinness World Record for oldest active pilot in this airplane, shortly after which Harry's son Ted became the primary caretaker of the airplane. Ted has unfortunately passed, so the aircraft is now for sale. 88R has many speed mods, and actually served as a test aircraft for many of LASAR's mods as a result of Paul Loewen and Harry's longtime friendship. It's certainly faster than the '66 E that I've personally come to know. The airplane has complete logs and is currently undergoing an annual inspection in San Luis Obispo, CA. Now would be a great time to perform a pre-purchase inspection. So far I have only advertised on Mooneyspace. After the annual is complete, I will be posting the ad on the other major sites. Complete specifications are listed below, and additional photos of the aircraft and logs are coming. I've tried to include as much information as possible, but if there are any additional questions please reach out to my father, Mike, who is handling the sale on behalf of Harry Moyer. His contact information is at the bottom of the list. 1964 Mooney M20E ‘Super 21’ Registration: N6688R Serial # 431 Price: $76,000 - All funds to be handled via escrow Airframe: 5753 TT Engine: 1571 SMOH by Western Skyways September 2000 – 1041 STOH Ly-Con overhauled cylinders installed 3045.1, 2008 - Lycoming IO-360 A1A Propeller: 1571 SPOH, 1024 SNEW Hub – Hartzell HC-C2YK-1B F7666A2 (B Hub installed 2008 / No recurring AD) Max Gross Takeoff Weight: 2575 pounds Empty Weight: 1621.34 pounds Useful Load: 953.66 pounds Total/Usable Fuel Capacity: 52/50 gallons Empty CG: 44.87 inches General: Mostly original, FAST classic Mooney with manual landing gear Next annual inspection due: May, 2023 World record holder - Flown by Harry Moyer, oldest active pilot (No longer flying) SB 208B complied with 05/2023 (And in prior years) Flight controls rigged by LASAR November 2017 Airframe treated with ACF anti-corrosion formula April 2019 Fuel tanks stripped and resealed July 2007 by Willmar Air Service (Now ‘Weep No More’) Aircraft landed gear up in 1970 - Well repaired and documented Avionics: Electronics International UBG-16 engine monitor with oil temp, bus voltage, amps EI FP-5L Fuel Flow Instrument L3 Lynx NGT-9000 ADS-B In/out transponder Dual Narco MK12D Nav/Comms King KN 64 DME Narco CP 136 TSO Audio Panel Brittain Autopilot Installed, INOP Additional Equipment: MANY Speed mods - Aircraft occasionally acted as a test bed for Paul Loewen during his time at LASAR Flap Gap Seals Aileron Lower Gap Seals Brake Caliper Rotation Dorsal Fin Vertical Seal Tail Root Horizontal Fairing Wing Root Leading Edge Fairing One Piece Windshield (NOT the 201 windshield - retains avionics access) Single-piece, smooth belly Cowl Enclosure Fairing Rudder/elevator Hinge Covers LASAR Steering Horn installed December 2017 GAMIjectors Zeftronics Voltage Regulator Overhauled exhaust January 2020 406 MHZ ELT Sky-tec Starter Exterior: Painted by Art Craft Paint in Santa Maria, CA February 2017 Interior: Basic gray cloth in good shape Aircraft located in San Luis Obispo, CA (KSBP) Contact: Mike Kunde Hangar 46 Aviation Hangar46Mojo (at) gmail (dot) com (805) 215-8914 (Call and leave a message, please)
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