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Everything posted by BarkerBK

  1. Hi Jon, I completely understand where you're coming from. That sort of drift is unacceptable, and I wouldn't fly IMC either if I have unit doing that. Can you shoot me a PM with your email, so I can make sure someone in tech support is working the problem. Cheers, Steve
  2. The presentation will be recorded, and posted to the BK YouTube. I'll share the link out after the presentation is uploaded.
  3. Since were all dying to know about the how the Mooney certification is coming along, Andrew and I are holding a webinar on Sept. 24 at 5pm MDT to talk about the upcoming certs on the TT products and how BK and TT are going to work moving forward. You can register using the link below: https://honeywell.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KjsXVx-8RlOIZACSSBRzDQ
  4. mmmm maybe like 3 or so. It's a good thing we're working with TT on this, so we don't have to count BK years to get this cert out.
  5. You can be done waiting! Cheers, 89800004-098 AeroFlight AML Rev 1.pdf
  6. Beat me to it @NJMac with the good news. I appreciate the support folks, and I'll continue to update in regards to the Mooney STC. Cheers, Steve
  7. The G5, single or dual, sends the following things to the autopilot: Baro corrected altitude Heading bug command Altitude bug command (this works for select and hold) There is not a vertical speed bug or GPSS output to the autopilot. Yes, the GAD29 is where the ARINC 429 signals come from.
  8. We are working with the TT folks to help them clear their current backlog of orders, but I don't expect that to be done by the time the Mooney's are ready. From my understanding most people are seeing a 60+ day lead time at the moment, I'm expecting the time to be decreased by the time October rolls around. Short answer: I think there still will be a lead time, just not sure what are this point. I'll continue to update as we get closer to submitting the STC. Cheers, Steve
  9. Yes, I can confirm that the Aspen/G5 interface paperwork has been submitted, and the software release is expected shortly.
  10. Status update time: We are finished with the initial installation design on the M20E, but are working to ensure model compatibility to capture as many of the M20 models as possible. Flight testing still needs to be completed and the paperwork needs to be drafted and sent to the FAA. The goal is to have everything done and the paperwork submitted to the FAA by the end of October. One thing to note is we will not be compatible with the wood wing Mooneys. I appreciate everyone's patience and I'll continue to provide updates on what's going on. Cheers, Steve
  11. I'm working to get you folks timing on when the Mooney's are going to be certified, but I can tell that the certified package will remain at $5100 including the STC.
  12. We're working towards that top spot, so I appreciate the support. If you need a thick skin anywhere, it on Beechtalk. My goal of being here is to listen and help people with support issues, and work with everyone to get better feedback on our products so we can innovate to create better products that serve the right airframes. Cheers, Steve
  13. Who have you tried to reach out too? The goal is business as usual for TT and help them on there way with getting certs out the door. We know at this point their backlog is just growing, so we're going to try and help push through that backlog as well. PM me if you need anything, and I'll work to get it addressed. Cheers, Steve Pearce BendixKing
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