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About chan65

  • Birthday 07/08/1969

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  1. same for 5 years, no issues, battery always healthy and ready
  2. Mooney space saves the day, fortunately I found one here, my 6 month plan will likely be to fly , have m original repaired for a back up , then look to replace the McCauley, to get out of this trap. Thanks for the quick help
  3. Mooney no longer sells, they don’t have one for exchange and he didn’t offer to repair, he suggested a shop K$K in Wisconsin , have a couple leads for them here though , so looking up
  4. Dan gave me the bad news yesterday , they are always my first call
  5. Aft bulkhead for McCauley spinner, little did I know when I was redoing the prop, that it was attached to a non existent bulkhead, I had no idea there were so many aviation scrapyards in America, I think I've spoken to everyone. I have seen this posted on before, but a couple things have changed. The Mooney part is no longer available , apparently a company called Globe used to make then but no more. They are non existent at the scrapyards, the option is to repair, the warning is they are lasting 10 hours after welding. The next option is the very nice Hartzell composite kit, but you need a Hartzell prop for that which I don't have, so word of warning before redoing a McCauley for a Mooney J , look to trade in and get the Hartzell with the new kit. Ill end up selling my McCauley with 150 hours and installing a new Hartzell just to get a 12 oz piece of aluminum replaced, costly ...... anyone with any other ideas I'd love to hear.
  6. Thought I had posted update, second servo replaced , and thus far about 10 hours in no issues. Servo was bad, replaced with a new one, that one was bad as well ( seems odd ) avionics sad they often use refurbished servos for warranty parts. This time avionics insisted on replacing it with brand new servo. My gut tells me this servos are underpowered and we will see failures between 200-300 hours. I hope I'm wrong and this is behind me, it cost me the whole summer of flying and several trips cancelled. hoping this is behind me, grateful for my Avionics man
  7. Sorry, for slow response , no it’s a J , servo replaced but issues still exists , Garmin has had file for over a week, I think the servos are under powered I hope I’m wrong. 2 months with this issue
  8. Update , before this AP problem , I had about 200 hrs on the system prior to this issue. Garmin did replace the servo. I flew it less than an hour without issue , plane went into annual , first flight after annual the issues reappeared, Garmin requested a second data card reading , I sent it in last week and am waiting to here. It’s a bummer
  9. Ran about 3 hours with SD card and sent in for data, it seems to be pointing to the pitch trim servo, the whole system is less than 2 years old , so it will be interesting to see what they come up with
  10. Joined, Ive heard Beech Talk is a great forum
  11. thank you , i wasn't aware of the option for the mini SD, it may in fact have on in it, will verify soon , if not have ordered one, I bet your diagnoses is correct on 1-4 thank you for taking the time to respond!!
  12. Med body J- here is what the Avionics shop suggested today Good Morning Chan, I have had some issues where the ap will disconnect now and then. I have replaced a yaw servo that was doing that. What I found when flying was that I would get a yaw light on my G5 and G3 on the V35 which then the ap would disconnect. I watched it happen a few times and that was my only light before disconnect. That being said I suspect maybe the pitch trim servo is seeing a fault or has one. What we can do is download data off the G5. If you have a small sd card that you can put in the G5 and just fly it some with it in then I can download that file n send to Garmin. If you don’t have a micro sd card let me know I can ship you one. Its like a 16g micro card. Thank you Bill Ive ordered the mini SD- Ill fly this week and send the card in for evaluation
  13. Yes that was the parts the fairing, thank you for your help, i sourced them from Lasar for about 500
  14. apologizes for linking the manual, Lasar had the parts in stock, apparently my spam filer was blocking Mooney Space notifications
  15. I will be working through this with Garmin and avionics shop but wanted to post here to get and give info. Normal IFR refresher training and AP kept disconnecting in level flight, as much as 10x on a 2 hr flight. I did receive the red PIT error on G5 and G3. To be fair we were working through lots of VNAV scenarios, so I wanted to contribute it to not clearing flight plans or having incorrect one loaded , I don’t think that was it though. Though CFII confirmed several disconnections were just smooth and level. Though it was disconcerting it was a reminder to keep hand skills fresh not IMC approaches in this event. I’ll post updates but any feed back or experience with other GFC owners would be great. Thanks
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