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Zack EA

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Everything posted by Zack EA

  1. Im interested in doing the same, would you please send it to me as well?
  2. I replaced the switch only, didnt need the whole retrofit kit (which is expensive). Im not sure if the switch will work temporarily if repaired, these switched are not repairable as far as I know, you may have a different type of switch. Do you have an override button? The gear should go up if you put the gear lever in the up position and press the override button, since the override button bypasses this switch (do it in flight or on safe jacks only!). Im not a mechanic but I am describing how we fixed the issue that I had. My gear wont retract below 100 KT (it should retract around 65KT).
  3. I had the same issue and ended up buying the retrofit switch from Lasar (around $675). Are you Sure it’s the switch? What are the symptoms?
  4. @George the Mooney is very capable of short field landings, I am comfortable getting in and out of 8A6. There are a couple of available shade slots, get with Alan Cobb the airport manager, he will show you what’s available.
  5. @George I heard great things about Gary Moore. Larry Morris is a great instructor and DPE (was my DPE for Instrument check ride), fun to fly with but has a busy schedule, look up TARHEEL aero at concord for his phone number. I fly M20J out of 8A6, transition wasn’t that bad. Stop by when you close by.
  6. Mine were changed last month, there were 12 years old and were still in OK shape. It all depends on the specs.
  7. I I dont think so, I tried with a snow blower that had bigger tires and stonger engine but was unsuccessful. It didnt have enough power to push on the grass or concrete.
  8. Don, I am interested in the plans, can you please share with me? thank you, Zack
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