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Little Dipper

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About Little Dipper

  • Birthday 11/24/1952

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    Corvettes, Guns and Flying
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  1. Making a long story short. My Ovation started using up a lot more runway than normal and flying much slower than it used to on the same power settings. All engine instruments, cht, egt temps etc. operated normally but could feel a vibration at high rpm. As it turns out I have some sort of blockage in the muffler. My A&P estimates blockage at 70%. This happened gradually over a period of several months. I never had this happen before and thought I would share it with the group. Pictures attached. Norm N995K
  2. I have pictures somewhere of 1.25 inches of ice built up on my landing lights and will post them if I can find them. I'm not giving advice except for this. I strongly suggest you trust no one and find out for yourself. Select a day when you have multiple outs. For example when there is a overcast layer between 4000 and 7000 and file an hour long trip IFR at five or six thousand and find out for yourself. I've been flying with TKS since 1998 and there are comments on this post that I disagree with.
  3. Why accept a tailwind? So you don't have to land on runway 26 when the sun blinds the pilot on final during sunset. So you don't have to taxi in 95 degree heat and extra five minutes. Even AWOS calls winds light and variable when winds are less that 5. I'll take the tail wind.
  4. Thanks. I got the appraisers name from the AOPA's legal department. The issue is the Ovation is fully depreciated which means my company will have to pay capitol gains tax 20% on the appraised value. The appraised value would also be charged to me personally as income or dividend income and I would also be responsible for Pennsylvania's six percent sales tax. The bottom line is I end up paying 46+% of the appraised value of my own Ovation just to transfer the ownership from own company to myself personally.
  5. That alone wouldn't satisfy IRS requirements.
  6. I am planning to take my Mooney Ovation out of my company business name and personally own it. There are negative tax consequences in doing this that both I and the company will have to pay. It pisses me off that I have to pay significant taxes on an aircraft I already own but that's another matter. I had my Mooney appraised by a AOPA recommended appraiser and the appraised value came in much higher than I had anticipated. I am planning on getting a second appraisal and hope it comes in lower. I am looking for recommendations for names of appraisers. Thanks. Norm
  7. Roberto did my front seats. Your in good hands.
  8. After a two year wait in line to get my Ovation painted. I picked up my Mooney back from Lancaster Aero in Smoketown Pa. I am pleased with their workmanship and their timeliness. The downtime was one week less than I had anticipated. I chose to stick with the original paint scheme and colors. It feels good to get my wings back. Norm N995K
  9. You are in good hands. Roberto did my front seats. i am vey pleased with his craftmanship.
  10. Getting close to completion. I am pleased with the workmanship so far. If I am lucky I will be flying this time next week. Norm N995k
  11. I'm looking to purchase a camera and mounts to take videos that can be mounted both externally and internally in my Ovation and can be controlled wirelessly from a app on my cell. Any recommendations?
  12. FikI installed in an Ovation by Mooney at the factory in Texas was a bit over 50K in 1997
  13. Thanks. Appreciate the advice.
  14. Your probably right. I don't know what anodes are but they look like rivets and were installed by the factory. In either event I wouldn't have wanted the paint shop to remove the TKS and disturb all of the plumbing that goes along with it. Over the years I had to replace two stall strips which became unglued.
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