Because I have WAAS, GTX345 transponder without internal WAAS was ordered, but it would not talk to the G1000. Software version issue. So replacement was shipped GTX345 with internal WAAS, which necessitated another GPS antenna on the plane. I get ADSB traffic, but no weather, GPS and AHRS, which via bluetooth can go to your iPad. The GPS positioning works but I have yet to get the attitude information to display in Foreflight. Will work on this, but not really urgent since I have the SAM for attitude information. The HSI in Foreflight will provide my navigation in the unlikely event the displays go black again.
On the SAM cost issue...need a little explanation. Didn't like that the SAM got it's heading input from the G1000. If the G1000 AHRS goes down - no heading. And I consider heading to be crucial. I could be wrong. So, I elected to put in a Sandel Heading source to feed the SAM. ($4,995 USD). The SAM ($8,995 USD) and installation, setup and calibration of both was $4,800 USD. Not for the faint of heart - but I love my heart and wanted to make sure it keeps beating for awhile. This just might do it.
Hopes this helps. PM me anytime.