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Brian Scranton

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Brian Scranton last won the day on July 5 2016

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About Brian Scranton

  • Birthday 01/04/1976

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    Flying, skiing, cycling, rafting, fishing
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  • Model
    Current: 1996 Piper Mirage Former: Mooney M20F Executive TN

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  1. Go for it dude! If you're willing to go anywhere, go someplace that isn't scorching hot and that has low incidence of summer T-storms. So, NorCal, Maine, etc... Depending on how you fly now and your proficiency at present under the hood, you can do it in 3 weeks. Especially if you fly everyday. By then end, you'll be the best you'll ever be...that's for sure!
  2. Yeah dude...need more info. I could be everything from a slightly bent baffle to a mini dragon.
  3. A sequel is not a remake. Still, it could suck serious nuts. Remake (years later)=Ghostbusters Sequel (years later)=Star Wars
  4. Do you see any fluctuation in fuel pressure? Does this happen at all when you pull the power back to land or only when the engine is cold?
  5. I have my trim set just above the "take off" setting...so where it's half in and half out of the "take off" mark. I rotate at 70mph. Push the nose over a bit to accelerate to 90mph, then get positive rate, gear up. Trim for 100mph climb. I'm at 6000' feet and DA is often in the 7 to 10K range. But I do this at sea level too.
  6. So, I just had my IFR inspection (pitot/static) and my avionics guys was like, "Hey dude, your pitot system was leaking like a sieve." My IAS was always a head scratcher. In cruise, at 12K-15K, I would never see 120IAS. Ever. So, he patches the leaks and I'm seeing 130KIAS. Which of course completely changes all the TAS calculations I've been doing. Turns out, all you guys that were questioning my shitty speeds, aka, "You seem to be going really slowly for a TN M20F..." were all spot on. Thanks Mooneyspace.
  7. This was high power, 2300 rpm, and it would throw a shit ton of fuel into the cylinders in a burst that would result in a backfire and 12 inches flames coming out the exhaust. Replaced the servo. No more funny car flames or backfire.
  8. This didn't happen to me...just saw a burp/backfire at 2300 on run up...no fluctuating EGTs or FFs. But the servo was junk.
  9. Thanks dude. I am torn. I keep going back and forth between keeping her and selling her. If she was FIKI, she'd be perfect.
  10. That's close. It's 28.5" for up to 3 mins on take off, 27" max continuous up to 20,000ft...really depends on how you set your vernier cable. I can get 27" to 20,000. And 22" up to 25,000. And, I have never heard of an NA F model doing 155KTAS at 6000ft. That's awesome. Mine certainly does NOT do that.
  11. At 24/2450: 140KTAS @ 12K feet, 145KTAS @16K feet and 155KTAS @20K feet--FF 12.5 GPH, 125 degrees ROP At 26/2450: 148KTAS @12K feet, 153KTAS@16K feet and @160KTAS @20K feet--FF 13.5 GPH, 125 degrees ROP
  12. For mine, the exchange was the same as a rebuild: Western Skyways charged me $1495
  13. Depends on power and altitude. At 24/2450: 140KTAS @ 12K feet, 145KTAS @16K feet and 155KTAS @20K feet At 26/2450: 148KTAS @12K feet, 153KTAS@16K feet and @160KTAS @20K feet
  14. Dudes...my fuel servo hadn't been touched in 25 years. I had a burp on run up (with 12 inch flames coming out my exhaust), I had fluctuating fuel pressure in climbs, fuels smells when leaning...and was flying 140kts at 25/2500. So, I replaced it. No burp. No fluctuations. No more smell. AND HOLY SHIT, I make 153 KTAS now at 25.5/2450. I can't believe what a difference it makes when the engine in getting the right amount of fuel in a consistent way.
  15. Yeah, she's a good bird. Useful is 955lbs...
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